Archived: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
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Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/16/09 9:37 pm | #16
This is going to be great. Is there any prize besides bragging rights?
Re: Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/18/09 6:06 pm | #18
Quote by PSORaine:
Bragging LEFTS too!!!
Lol Almost funny.
I wish i signed up for this, good luck ppl
Re: Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/18/09 8:20 pm | #19
Quote by PSORaine:
Bragging LEFTS too!!!
what, no bragging ups or downs? thats too bad....i like bragging ups.....braggin downs is just for messin w/ people, but braggin ups are awesome

Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/18/09 9:38 pm | #20
i dont have any friends

Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/21/09 10:59 am | #23
you could use taco if he doesn't find someone cause i wont be around tonight.
Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/21/09 11:04 am | #25
you guys are good for putting words in peoples mouths. i never agreed and he never asked, i just randomly saw it in a thread that he chose me and it was the first i'd heard of it. don't assume, because when you do you make an ASS of U and ME.

Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/21/09 11:23 am | #26
then i guess im partnerless. raine, if evol doesnt make it back ill be your partner
cause i dont beleive i have one now.

Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/21/09 11:29 am | #27
yea, i'm sorry taco but you would think this type of thing would be set up as an event for everyone to remember. it was set up by hektic so i dunno what happened but i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who forgot tonight was the night.
Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/21/09 11:45 am | #28
its cool. if raine doesnt want me as a partner, i might can get one of my friends to come (he is like, ALWAYS on gow2 lol) so....i have 2 backups, if need-be
Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/21/09 11:46 am | #29
teh bubbles?
Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/21/09 11:49 am | #30
nah, bubbles doesnt have gow2. plus, he rents every game he plays, and is terrible at friend kevin/streetbros might play, idk.