Archived: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
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Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/24/09 12:45 am | #61
i wouldve showed up. but I have 4 infections and am in the middle of an allergic reaction.
Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/26/09 5:08 am | #63
that was the weirdest tournament thingy ever. random gears invite, slaughtered by father and son for three rounds, host quits... good times. seriously though i'd love to play the next one
Re: Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/26/09 8:02 am | #64
Quote by mack97:
that was the weirdest tournament thingy ever. random gears invite, slaughtered by father and son for three rounds, host quits... good times. seriously though i'd love to play the next one

Re: Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/26/09 2:07 pm | #65
Quote by mack97:
that was the weirdest tournament thingy ever. random gears invite, slaughtered by father and son for three rounds, host quits... good times. seriously though i'd love to play the next one
That's typical Xbox America behavior
Re: Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament
02/26/09 4:50 pm | #66
trust me, if shock didnt have a chainsaw, me n raine mightve had a chance in that one game! we won the first 2 rounds, had like 9 kills, but then shock decided to find his B button again and went crazy lol we almost had it, but shock went to distract and joe just ran around snipin like crazy! it was the perfect strategy for a comeback lol. it was fun tho, hope to do it again