Archived: BioShock Demo
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: BioShock Demo
09/04/07 6:42 pm | #16
Wow thats sad katie
Re: BioShock Demo
09/04/07 6:44 pm | #17
Nah im just givin you shit. I still dont see how you got scared of it though>.>
Re: BioShock Demo
09/04/07 6:46 pm | #18
I was like 8 or 9 when I played the first DOOM. >_> Shuttap.
Re: BioShock Demo
09/04/07 8:11 pm | #19
Quote by HouseMDfan:
I got scared ONCE during Condemned, merely because I was kind of not paying attention. But BioShock was awesome.
awww me so sorry
Re: BioShock Demo
09/04/07 8:11 pm | #20
hahah jk jk
Re: BioShock Demo
09/04/07 9:14 pm | #21
Sorry about what?
Re: BioShock Demo
09/04/07 9:18 pm | #22
that u got scared lol
Re: BioShock Demo
09/04/07 9:18 pm | #23
>_> ONCE everyone else is like 'OMG it was so scary!'
Re: BioShock Demo
09/04/07 9:21 pm | #24
Quote by HouseMDfan:
>_> ONCE everyone else is like 'OMG it was so scary!'
way to be a man!
Re: BioShock Demo
09/04/07 9:26 pm | #25
Re: BioShock Demo
09/07/07 9:24 pm | #26
ya scary games are awesone
Re: BioShock Demo
09/16/07 7:01 pm | #27
The Bioshock Demo was awesome. It was so good in fact, that immediately after I completed the demo, at like 1 a.m....I went to Wal-Mart and bought the game. It is a masterpiece, probably the best game that have played on the 360!
Re: BioShock Demo
09/16/07 7:10 pm | #28
Quote by ChainGangSoldir:
The Bioshock Demo was awesome. It was so good in fact, that immediately after I completed the demo, at like 1 a.m....I went to Wal-Mart and bought the game. It is a masterpiece, probably the best game that have played on the 360!
I haven't played the demo yet, but if I had any money I'd go buy the game. I've heard only good things about it.
Re: BioShock Demo
11/15/07 12:14 am | #29
I loved it,played it 3 or 4 times before Bioshock came out.