Archived: BioShock 2 to include Big Sister
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Re: BioShock 2 to include Big Sisters
03/11/09 1:01 am | #16
i heard it was gunna be too but then it cant be since bioshock took place in 1960 and from what the website is saying the events are taking place in 1967
Re: BioShock 2 to include Big Sisters
03/11/09 1:25 am | #18
guess so, maybe they will make one of the supposed 3 more they are gunna make a prequel

Re: BioShock 2 to include Big Sisters
03/11/09 12:25 pm | #21
Yo, this shit is gonna be amazing lol. I just beat Bshock one the other day and I'm still in shock.
Re: BioShock 2 to include Big Sisters
03/11/09 2:46 pm | #22
Sweet! I loved Bioshock, hopefully this wont dissapoint.
Re: BioShock 2 to include Big Sisters
03/11/09 3:21 pm | #23
man i can not wait...i might have to break into my piggy bank for this one....mos def!
Re: Re: BioShock 2 to include Big Sisters
03/11/09 4:42 pm | #24
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
ahhhhh so thats what those things are that they have been describing on
yeah... i'm kinda wishing i wouldn't have clicked the pic now lol.
i wanted it to be a surprise... sad.

Re: Re: BioShock 2 to include Big Sisters
03/11/09 6:34 pm | #26
Quote by xxMISS MALICExx:
I Don't Know...."Mr. Bubbles" is looking a little skinny.....I don't know if I'm ready to play with Mr. Stick..... wow...scratch that
Mrs. Bubbles actually, she was away visiting fam during the last Bshock.
Prolly gonna be pissed u killed her husband....several times over.
And get ur mind out the gutter.
Re: BioShock 2 to include Big Sisters
03/11/09 8:08 pm | #29
thanks for posting that, zu.