Archived: Best RPG game ever
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Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 12:35 am | #136
Well shit!!! I guess my answer would be Fable 2 since it's the one I came closest to finishing (DAMN A.D.D.)
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 12:35 am | #137
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is my favorite RPG with all its character customization, leveling system, and alternate paths to follow. Possibly the most well crafted RPG of our time.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 12:39 am | #138
Well then I'm changing my answer back 2 Zelda also. I'll take the comments about how Its not a RPG and file them under I Don't Care.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 1:13 am | #140
Y I dont remember leveling or character customization in Ocarina either, but don't remember too many details of it anyway since I was baked all the time back in those days.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 10:44 am | #141
My favorite rpg would have to be Tales of Vesperia. I love the characters and all the designs. The story is also good as well as the game play.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 11:42 am | #142
for some crazy reason i couldn't get into Tales of Vesperia but heard great thing abouy it
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 11:42 am | #143
me and u both beaver lol
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 11:51 am | #144
Fallout 3 no question
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 12:18 pm | #145
Fallout 3 was the most time I put into a CONSOLE RPG but I gotta say I'm addicted to these pokemon gameboy games haha
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 12:18 pm | #146
Well if you don't like anime that's probably why. It takes halfway through the first chapter to actually get into it. I actually enjoyed it a lot.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 3:45 pm | #147
i like fallout 3 but it was so boring
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 3:46 pm | #148
i forgot all about fable
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 5:01 pm | #149
Definitely Earthbound, aka Mother 2 in Japan, for SNES, GBA, and emulaters. I still have a SNES for the sole purpose of playing that game. Only 3 years of my life werent spent playing that game at least once a month. Addicted? or just a great game? you decide...
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/27/09 5:45 pm | #150
I really liked Fable. I downloaded it off marketplace and played it for a few weeks before I got Fable II. I liked it exponentially more than the sequel. I liked Fable II but felt they could've done so much more with it. I got really tired of being a fuckin landlord and all the whiny-ass kids running around.
I can't decide which annoyed me more, the random bastards asking me for my autograph or my character's children who were never happy with anything. I made the mistake of having a kid when I was evil so the kid was a little brat and no matter how many gifts I gave him he always pissed & moaned. The lousy co-op was my biggest disappointment.
I can't decide which annoyed me more, the random bastards asking me for my autograph or my character's children who were never happy with anything. I made the mistake of having a kid when I was evil so the kid was a little brat and no matter how many gifts I gave him he always pissed & moaned. The lousy co-op was my biggest disappointment.