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Archived: Battlefield: Bad Company Boycott

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Re: Battlefield: Bad Company Boycott
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This is pretty retarded, but I think you could just not buy the DLC, I mean if it's a fun game play it!

Ultimately it comes down to how much you like the game, I mean if I had been as into Oblivion as I was Morrowind, I probably would have shelled out the couple bucks for horse armour. As retarded as that is, I think it's neat in its own way. If I am playing the game a lot, I wouldn't mind putting a few bucks in to it for more crap, even if it's stuff that could have easily been in the original $60 game itself. But I had so much other stuff on my gaming plate when Oblivion came out that I couldn't get in to it and ended up giving my copy to a friend.

Of all things, it seems VERY ridiculous to expect people to pay real monies for something like a single weapon in a single game, but if it was like say a new rifle in Halo 3, despite the massive violent riots that would break out, I beat it would sell like hotcakes.

With Battlefield already being much less fun & popular than it used to be (man, wasn't 1942 sweet when it first came out?) and Bad Company being a bit of a shift in what the game is, I seriously don't see them moving a lot of units of DLC guns.

There is definitely some kind of line being crossed here. There is a huge difference between small expansion/episodic-like content being released for a game after-the-fact to give you more stuff to see and do inside, and releasing a game and a bunch of seperate crap to buy at the same time that doesn't even affect the game much or, worse yet, simply unlocks stuff in the game that was already there in the first place.

Once I graduate with a piece-o-paper in Game & Simulation Design, I'm going to make an MMO with servers here, in Europe and in Korea, where what you buy is a CD to install the game and a small device that accepts your country's currency. You can have anything you want in the game but you have to feed in some money. Want to level up your character's strength? Slip in a five. Want a killer new Broadsword +2? Pop in ten bucks. Want to power-level to the cap? You could just scan in your checking account's number and your next paycheck would be automatically deducted and your character levelled. Clean and beautiful!

I'll be releasing an expansion later that lets you make your character sit down or stand up by pressing a button on the keyboard. It will be 300 BS points, but will also be downloadable for free when I release the second expansion which lets you jump. There are no refunds for this item.

BS points is an online, stored-value system used to purchase make-believe goods with hard-earned money.
Re: Battlefield: Bad Company Boycott
Bad Company never really interested me, I'm still stuck on BF2 and BF2142. Needless to say, I'm not buying this game.
Re: Battlefield: Bad Company Boycott
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im happy with COD4 when it comes to fps right now

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Re: Battlefield: Bad Company Boycott
Burnt Waffle
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they charged MS points on The Godfather game for evrey gun upgrade and some extra missions, so this is no different, its just bussiness
Re: Battlefield: Bad Company Boycott

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y boycott it, if you have to pay for guns then dont buy them, just use the weapons on the game itself, ill admit having to buy weapons is dumb, but its business, and all they are doing is making money. boycottin this in my opion isnt goin 2 do negood, because there are people out there willin to do nething 2 get an edge on fellow gamers. and as long as those people are around, the will charge us for the littleist things
Re: Battlefield: Bad Company Boycott
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by stonr steve gp:

y boycott it, if you have to pay for guns then dont buy them, just use the weapons on the game itself, ill admit having to buy weapons is dumb, but its business, and all they are doing is making money. boycottin this in my opion isnt goin 2 do negood, because there are people out there willin to do nething 2 get an edge on fellow gamers. and as long as those people are around, the will charge us for the littleist things

Yes, this is a business.

However, micro-transactions and in-game advertising appear to be doing little more than lining the pockets of the publishers/developers. Where is the benefit to the consumer? Have we seen a reduction in the price of games? Has EA taken Madden development soaring to new heights? Do unlock codes even have any meaning anymore?

When the "next-gen" game pricing of $59.99 was introduced, it was stated that the $10 increase (over last gen's $49.99 price) was to help cover additional costs of development. However, there has not been any move to reduce the price of games now that the development gestation period has settled, and companies are adding new revenue streams via Micro-transactions and in-game advertising.

So in essence, gameplay quality has been impacted, as items that gamers have come to expect to be there for free (unlocking it, Cheat code or game progression) have suddenly become unavailable unless we use real world money to purchase them. In a game like Tiger Woods where the only way to get a sweet set of clubs used to require being skillfull enough to win a tournament or beat a course, now allows any schlub with 800 MS points to act like they are king sh*t.

So putting pressure by not buying AND raising hell is the only way to get the attention of the powers that be. If enough people refuse to pay for something, then it has no appeal to spend resources on to develop.
Re: Battlefield: Bad Company Boycott

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i agree with you, i think that with all the ads you see in a game, that should reduce the price of the game, but game companys love money to much to lower the prices
Re: Battlefield: Bad Company Boycott
Burnt Waffle
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Money calls Money and EA is doing big bucks
Re: Battlefield: Bad Company Boycott
Xbox America Friend
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Quote by zoboa:

Yes, this is a business.

However, micro-transactions and in-game advertising appear to be doing little more than lining the pockets of the publishers/developers. Where is the benefit to the consumer? Have we seen a reduction in the price of games? Has EA taken Madden development soaring to new heights? Do unlock codes even have any meaning anymore?

When the "next-gen" game pricing of $59.99 was introduced, it was stated that the $10 increase (over last gen's $49.99 price) was to help cover additional costs of development. However, there has not been any move to reduce the price of games now that the development gestation period has settled, and companies are adding new revenue streams via Micro-transactions and in-game advertising.

So in essence, gameplay quality has been impacted, as items that gamers have come to expect to be there for free (unlocking it, Cheat code or game progression) have suddenly become unavailable unless we use real world money to purchase them. In a game like Tiger Woods where the only way to get a sweet set of clubs used to require being skillfull enough to win a tournament or beat a course, now allows any schlub with 800 MS points to act like they are king sh*t.

So putting pressure by not buying AND raising hell is the only way to get the attention of the powers that be. If enough people refuse to pay for something, then it has no appeal to spend resources on to develop.

If it continues like this, we will see a 10-20$ increase on games, every time a new console comes out.
so when the next xbox and ps4 come out will the games cost 70-80$???
and still not to mention all the crap they will probably make us buy like in battlefield and tiger woods???
when will the greed end???
Re: Battlefield: Bad Company Boycott

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sadly never probably
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