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Archived: Banned
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Re: Banned
03/11/08 12:19 am | #31
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
wow thats soo gay,
if you have time you should check out this other gametag i made a while back XxMexiNinjaxX, check out the bio and everything. The reasoning behind me doin that is so i could see if i get banned. ive been very annoying and loud on many matches on h3 and cod4 and even had ppl report me for rude things in my bio and motto
now what i dont understand is that u got banned already, and i still can play match making in h3 and cod4, hmmmm, your right they really need to fix up this shit.
about not joining your R6:vegas match bro
i didnt know who u were at first then i remebered,
when u gonna host another match?
Re: Banned
03/11/08 12:23 am | #32
Hate freaking kids who leave negative rep and start yelling stupid things
Re: Banned
03/11/08 12:33 am | #33
Quote by PuNiShEr IV:
Hate freaking kids who leave negative rep and start yelling stupid things
i knw how u feel.
hail the all mighty mute button XD
Re: Banned
03/11/08 12:50 am | #34
i knw how u feel.
hail the all mighty mute button XD
LOL yeah HAIL THE MIGHTY SHHHH BUTTON what would I do without that button? I would be a EMO lol nah
Re: Banned
03/11/08 3:09 am | #35
Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:
i knw how u feel.
hail the all mighty mute button XD
yup, i like the nnew muting feuture in halo3, it's quite easy to use
Re: Banned
03/11/08 10:00 am | #36
I know it's a lot easier if there is a mute button in the game, but do not forget that you can look at the person's gamer card and mute them through your options there as well.

Mute everywhere!!!
Re: Banned
03/11/08 11:01 am | #37
hektic you better stop trying to host games if you're going to keep getting banned

hahahh kidding
Re: Banned
03/11/08 1:15 pm | #38
Lol! Being a nice guy got me banned, maybe I'll start being an a$$hole now and trash talk everybody on ShadowRun....even though I suck myself, lol.
Re: Banned
03/11/08 3:25 pm | #40
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
well thats stupid i mean girls can obvious play video games. i mean your a girl and you play video games. and therefore girls can play video games.
Re: Banned
03/11/08 3:31 pm | #41
lol i think most people on xbox live lack that kind of reasoning skill.
Re: Banned
03/11/08 3:47 pm | #42
wow i love how this happens to people
i had my friend get temp banned to but he appealed it
and as for what your saying about age filter : kids lie about their age: a lot
talking trash wont get you banned to much i do it and have a 95+ rep
the file complaint button is much more efficient on live then it is almost anywhere else so seriously be thankful at least we have a flawed system listens to complaints instead of a system w/o any care of your complaints
Re: Banned
03/11/08 4:30 pm | #43
Inmature punks is 95% of the reason I do not like to play XBL. They runi the game and make things just totally rotten.
Re: Banned
03/11/08 9:43 pm | #44
Quote by Capt Adams67:
Inmature punks is 95% of the reason I do not like to play XBL. They runi the game and make things just totally rotten.
not always sometimes i enjoy listening to little kids talk a lot of smack before the game starts and end up getting their asses kicked.
then comes the whining and bitching, sometimes its amusing other times its just plain annoying.
Re: Banned
03/23/08 4:31 pm | #45
i just got banned too , it's preaty stupid, my motto wasn't even bad.
it said "PREY SLAY DISPLAY". I don't know what i did to piss people off. i am good at halo but i don't think i got people super mad to get me banned for a day. im just confused..
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