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Archived: Awards Reinstalled
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Re: Re: Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/18/09 6:49 pm | #181
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Quote by Mike93:
I think this is where the block list can be detrimental, because I have no idea what y'all are talking about, unless its the no way to tell how many trades we've made.
The solution to this is not to get blocked then....
He wouldn't be able to see posts because he blocked people, not the other way around. You're right though. The solution is to not block people.
Re: Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/18/09 10:53 pm | #182
Quote by Noah 9000:
you stay classy
write an xba news article in all caps.
or how about...
it's a trap!
spoil an upcoming game or movie for 10 or more xba members.
Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/19/09 12:02 pm | #184
No Life Award
reach haxxor status
theres a few people coming up close to this one (kidd cartell is close i think) plus you have the one for becoming a camper, why not haxxor? i just called it the no life one because....well idk, it just kinda came to me
Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/19/09 3:09 pm | #185
i think these are all awesome ideas, and i cant wait to see what else Jackson has in store for us 
We cant get an award 4 being a member for 6 months, 1 yr, 2 yrs...etc?
or would that be unfair to the newer members?
Or an achievment to the members that have been here since it was XboxOhio?
Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/19/09 4:08 pm | #186
I like the awards i want more awards and achievements!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/19/09 4:18 pm | #187
Quote by Noah 9000:
you stay classy
write an xba news article in all caps.
or how about...
it's a trap!
spoil an upcoming game or movie for 10 or more xba members.
Yeah, nice! And if you get both awards, you get a third called CASPA!
I like this idea.
Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/19/09 6:52 pm | #188
I have what I think is an awesome idea. An award for being in 1st place of your states leaderboard, or if that is too slim maybe the top 10 or the top 25.
Also, and this one may be streching it, maybe an award for those whose award ideas you did use. It could be the spatula to the waffles, lol.
Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/19/09 7:22 pm | #189
It's bad enough that I'm an achievement whore. Now I'm an xba awards whore too.
Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/20/09 8:36 am | #190
Love all the new badges me thinks me be a badge whore errr I means waffler too
Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/20/09 12:12 pm | #191
Personally this is one of the coolest little side deals on any website I've seen. A cute play on the achievement system with some witty concepts for what to unlock. Kudos to the site.
Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/20/09 1:50 pm | #192
Guys, calm down with the Award ideas, Jackson will make them as he sees fit. Ruining ten things is a horrible idea, so I doubt anyone will make that.
Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/20/09 2:18 pm | #193
I put my trust in Jackson to come up with the best and funniest badges for this site. I just hope I qualify for all of them lol
Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/20/09 2:30 pm | #194
Just added the Sociable award for people who have created a thread in the Introduce Yourself forum. Thank you JuniorMT for designing the award icon.
Re: Awards Reinstalled
06/20/09 2:56 pm | #195
Just added the Gamercard Lover award for people who use one of their official Xbox America gamercards on another website. This is detected when someone views the card on the other site, so if you posted one somewhere but don't get the award, try loading up that page.
Again, thanks to JuniorMT for designing the award icon.
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