Archived: Ad Nauseum
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Ad Nauseum
07/27/09 10:20 pm | #1
What's good? I'm Kona (figuratively) and I thought I'd drop a post in an effort to connect with local 801 players. I'm a throwback LAN gamer and although I can dig LIVE, I do prefer the social gatherings video games once were. I've done some journalism, published reviews et cetera, but my passion has waned. Perhaps Modern Warfare 2 will remedy this quandary?
Re: Ad Nauseum
07/27/09 10:25 pm | #2
Welcome to the site! What types of reviews have you done? And I'm going to agree with you on the social gathering factor of gaming. Xbox Live takes away from being able to hang out with friends, laugh together, and just the fun factor. Don't get me wrong, Xbox Live is great, but the face-to-face element always wins.
Re: Ad Nauseum
07/27/09 10:31 pm | #3
Good to have another Utah gamer on here. I don't live in the 801 anymore though. I moved down south to the 435

Re: Ad Nauseum
07/27/09 10:45 pm | #5
Hail and welcome to XbA, Kona
Re: Ad Nauseum
07/27/09 10:47 pm | #7
welcome! nice sig bro
Re: Ad Nauseum
07/27/09 10:55 pm | #8
Hey, welcome!
Re: Ad Nauseum
07/27/09 11:01 pm | #9
Thank you all for the welcoming comments!
I've done reviews ranging from F.E.A.R. to Ninja Gaiden II as well as an opinion piece every summer solstice.
Likewise! It seems as though I cannot break my 7 digit habit. Every time I make a call that annoying woman demands that I dial the area code first.
The Dude abides.
Quote by Crustyhippy:
What types of reviews have you done?
I've done reviews ranging from F.E.A.R. to Ninja Gaiden II as well as an opinion piece every summer solstice.
Quote by Kent K25:
Good to have another Utah gamer on here. I don't live in the 801 anymore though. I moved down south to the 435 

Likewise! It seems as though I cannot break my 7 digit habit. Every time I make a call that annoying woman demands that I dial the area code first.
Quote by Noah 9000:
welcome! nice sig bro
The Dude abides.
Re: Ad Nauseum
07/27/09 11:01 pm | #10
Re: Ad Nauseum
07/28/09 12:42 am | #11
Welcome to the site
Re: Ad Nauseum
07/28/09 12:27 pm | #12
Welcome....I have a good buddy from the 801....he is a prison guard there in Utah
Re: Ad Nauseum
07/28/09 12:55 pm | #13
Hello and welcome to XBA!!! I hope you enjoy it here.
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