Archived: A true Gamer gets shot
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: A true Gamer gets shot
02/18/09 8:10 pm | #31
meh, pc games are pretty ok. but man do they rack in big bucks for the companies that make em lol
Re: A true Gamer gets shot
02/18/09 8:49 pm | #32
Hahaha that's freakin' awesome
Re: A true Gamer gets shot
02/18/09 9:15 pm | #33
As long as he didn't get shot over SoCom it's funny

Re: Re: A true Gamer gets shot
02/18/09 9:28 pm | #34
Quote by Taco:
meh, pc games are pretty ok. but man do they rack in big bucks for the companies that make em lol
a.k.a. Blizzard (more money than god)
Re: A true Gamer gets shot
03/01/09 4:03 am | #35
The mark of a true gamer.
+1 one to the kid who was like, "Well, your arms still work don't they?" That was awesome.
+1 one to the kid who was like, "Well, your arms still work don't they?" That was awesome.
Re: Re: Re: A true Gamer gets shot
04/22/09 9:55 am | #36
Re: A true Gamer gets shot
04/22/09 2:38 pm | #37
Respects for him
Re: Re: A true Gamer gets shot
04/24/09 9:23 pm | #38
Quote by Epic Malice:
his mom's minivan full of stuffed animals
that man, he sounds like a true gamer! haha
Re: Re: Re: A true Gamer gets shot
04/24/09 9:28 pm | #39
Quote by A Thrifty Jew:
Quote by Epic Malice:
his mom's minivan full of stuffed animals
that man, he sounds like a true gamer! haha
stuffed animals are the lowest form of taxidermy.
Re: A true Gamer gets shot
05/05/09 5:51 am | #41
hope he is okay but out of all the games to play.. soCom? lol?