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Archived: 3DS vs. Vita
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Re: Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/13/13 4:41 pm | #91
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Charmander looks like a lizard with down syndrome.
You son of a clefable, take that back!
Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/13/13 7:08 pm | #92
Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/13/13 7:20 pm | #93
Boys, boys. I think we can all agree on 2 things.
1) totodile
2) snapple has no idea what Down syndrome looks like.
Re: Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/13/13 7:22 pm | #94
Quote by Kat:
Boys, boys. I think we can all agree on 2 things.
1) totodile
2) snapple has no idea what Down syndrome looks like.
You're all stupid, Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion is the badass motherfucking best
Re: Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/13/13 8:35 pm | #95
Quote by Kat:
Boys, boys. I think we can all agree on 2 things.
1) totodile
2) snapple has no idea what Down syndrome looks like.
3) Only because he does not own a mirror.
Re: Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/15/13 2:48 pm | #96
Quote by Kat:
Boys, boys. I think we can all agree on 2 things.
1) totodile
2) snapple has no idea what Down syndrome looks like.
wat. it's a fact charmander = down syndrome.
i've been enjoying it though, the 3d view is crazy and takes get a little getting used too. makes me want a pokemon mmo.
Re: Re: Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/15/13 5:30 pm | #97
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Kat:
Boys, boys. I think we can all agree on 2 things.
1) totodile
2) snapple has no idea what Down syndrome looks like.
wat. it's a fact charmander = down syndrome.
i've been enjoying it though, the 3d view is crazy and takes get a little getting used too. makes me want a pokemon mmo.
Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/26/13 3:58 am | #98
Wondertrade is the best new online addition to X and Y, I got 2 of the starters from random trades with people from Japan
Re: Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/26/13 4:20 am | #99
Quote by Circus:
Wondertrade is the best new online addition to X and Y, I got 2 of the starters from random trades with people from Japan

What ones?
Re: Re: Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/26/13 4:34 am | #100
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Circus:
Wondertrade is the best new online addition to X and Y, I got 2 of the starters from random trades with people from Japan

What ones?
Got the new grass one and a squirtle.
Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/26/13 12:56 pm | #101
Mega Absol looks ****** awesome!
Re: Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/26/13 11:30 pm | #102
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Mega Absol looks ****** awesome!

I have him and his mega, my Absol is low level though so I haven't used him yet.
Re: 3DS vs. Vita
10/27/13 3:34 am | #103
Double post, I have another extra new grass starter Chespin if anyone wants to trade me something decent for it, my 3DS friend code is 0275-7804-3423, send me a shout with your code within the next 2 days since I'm off work.
Re: 3DS vs. Vita
11/12/13 6:44 pm | #104
The new zelda game for 3ds got a 10 from game informer
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