Archived: 2008 Xbox America Annual Fundraiser kicks off
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Re: 2008 Xbox America Annual Fundraiser kicks off
08/02/08 3:21 pm | #18

08/02/08 3:33 pm | #19

Re: 2008 Xbox America Annual Fundraiser kicks off
08/02/08 3:36 pm | #20
Tossed in some cash as well. Come on guys, what else you gonna spend that $500 on? A PS3?!
Re: 2008 Xbox America Annual Fundraiser kicks off
08/02/08 5:24 pm | #22
when's the fundraiser over?
Re: 2008 Xbox America Annual Fundraiser kicks off
08/02/08 5:25 pm | #23
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
when's the fundraiser over?
At the end of August
Re: 2008 Xbox America Annual Fundraiser kicks off
08/02/08 6:00 pm | #24
ill drop some cash when i get my money in next week
Re: 2008 Xbox America Annual Fundraiser kicks off
08/02/08 7:20 pm | #25
just drop you 20 buckaroos
Re: 2008 Xbox America Annual Fundraiser kicks off
08/02/08 7:27 pm | #26
Quote by ReverendMeta:
Woooooo party at Lou's house tonight!
TK will bring the dip and everyone has to eat some.
I'll stop by a bulk distributor and pick up a case of Pepto Bismol
TK will bring the dip and everyone has to eat some.
I'll stop by a bulk distributor and pick up a case of Pepto Bismol
ooooohhh the party aint over 'til 6 o'clock and everyones going to be up in lou's spot
i'll go halfsieis with on the pepto rev because if it's anything like last time i'll be blowing up lou's toilet BIG TIME!....Might be a good idea to chip in for some Febreeze Air freshners while your at it, let me know what I owe you

Re: 2008 Xbox America Annual Fundraiser kicks off
08/02/08 8:30 pm | #27
I can't wait to contribute...but I have to because of crazy weekend

Re: 2008 Xbox America Annual Fundraiser kicks off
08/03/08 1:10 am | #28
Ok, take my money.....*making BIG batch of dip* Hmmmm whats the experation date on this....Oh well it's still good. *Google Earth Lou's house* Nice place, Be over in a bit. LoL!!!
Re: 2008 Xbox America Annual Fundraiser kicks off
08/03/08 2:14 am | #30
Quote by TK Chillin:
Ok, take my money.....*making BIG batch of dip* Hmmmm whats the experation date on this....Oh well it's still good. *Google Earth Lou's house* Nice place, Be over in a bit. LoL!!!