Archived: #$!^*&!!!
Posted Under: Blogs
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10/19/08 11:51 pm | #1
GOD BLEEP BLEEP. A week or so ago I was playing Bejeweled 2. I\'m connected to the internet through a wireless connection and the microwave messes it up. Anyways...I\'m playing it and lo and behold (it never fails) the microwave is turned on without warning. Well...apparently my 360 doesn\'t want to recognize I do in fact own BJ2. So when I get kicked off thanks to the microwave, it screws up my save. I was on like level 95 on Endless. Now I gotta go do it all over again.
Re: #$!^*&!!!
10/19/08 11:55 pm | #2
my wife was playing endless mode with me (we used to go back and forth) and it was level 117, and i fell asleep and she turned it OFF! 80 hours down the drain.
oh and get that circuit checked out, your xbox definitely shouldn't be turning on your microwave....
oh and get that circuit checked out, your xbox definitely shouldn't be turning on your microwave....

Re: #$!^*&!!!
10/19/08 11:58 pm | #3
Yeah that's weird even by my standards. lol
Re: #$!^*&!!!
10/19/08 11:58 pm | #4
Not what I meant. Someone turned on the microwave in my house lol.
Re: #$!^*&!!!
10/20/08 12:01 am | #5
Quote by HouseMDfan:
Not what I meant. Someone turned on the microwave in my house lol.
sounds like a loose connection in your outlet.
Re: #$!^*&!!!
10/20/08 12:04 am | #6
I don't know what you mean. It's the waves from the...microwave that scrambles my wireless.
Re: #$!^*&!!!
10/20/08 2:56 am | #7
Quote by HouseMDfan:
I don't know what you mean. It's the waves from the...microwave that scrambles my wireless.
That's not good....maybe it's time for a new micowave!!!
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