Archived: Article Discussion: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
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Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Yeah until your baclog start to pile up & you're forced to keep deleting & reinstalling games
I constantly jump from game to game so it would be a pain in the ass.
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Yeah until your baclog start to pile up & you're forced to keep deleting & reinstalling games
yeah but you can play games while they are downloading or installing now.
I have one preordered through the Microsoft Store online, but I'm going to be out of town from this weekend till Thanksgiving. I know they'll need a signature for delivery and I don't know how many failed attempts they'll make before I get back or before they send it back. I thought about just canceling it cause I do hate the idea of it having to lurk on a UPS truck for days of failed delivery, but I also hate not having one at Christmas...
So does anyone have any idea about the timeline for the next batch of the Xbox Ones?
Quote by Mindy:
I have one preordered through the Microsoft Store online, but I'm going to be out of town from this weekend till Thanksgiving. I know they'll need a signature for delivery and I don't know how many failed attempts they'll make before I get back or before they send it back. I thought about just canceling it cause I do hate the idea of it having to lurk on a UPS truck for days of failed delivery, but I also hate not having one at Christmas...
So does anyone have any idea about the timeline for the next batch of the Xbox Ones?
Why dont you call them or tell them to hold it for you. Then you can pick it up when u get back.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Mindy:
I have one preordered through the Microsoft Store online, but I'm going to be out of town from this weekend till Thanksgiving. I know they'll need a signature for delivery and I don't know how many failed attempts they'll make before I get back or before they send it back. I thought about just canceling it cause I do hate the idea of it having to lurk on a UPS truck for days of failed delivery, but I also hate not having one at Christmas...
So does anyone have any idea about the timeline for the next batch of the Xbox Ones?
Why dont you call them or tell them to hold it for you. Then you can pick it up when u get back.
I always feel so herp derpy when I call and make requests for anything. I just feel like I'm bothering them or making their jobs harder, lol! But I probably will give them a ring tomorrow after I practice the conversation a dozen times in my head between now and then.
Quote by Mindy:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Why dont you call them or tell them to hold it for you. Then you can pick it up when u get back.
I always feel so herp derpy when I call and make requests for anything. I just feel like I'm bothering them or making their jobs harder, lol! But I probably will give them a ring tomorrow after I practice the conversation a dozen times in my head between now and then.
I love you so hard right now.
Quote by Mindy:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Why dont you call them or tell them to hold it for you. Then you can pick it up when u get back.
I always feel so herp derpy when I call and make requests for anything. I just feel like I'm bothering them or making their jobs harder, lol! But I probably will give them a ring tomorrow after I practice the conversation a dozen times in my head between now and then.
Please record that conversation. I can imagine it now, just a train wreck of words with a thick southern accent accompanied by extreme embarrassment and gas (because for people that don't know, Mindy gets gassy when she's nervous).
Quote by Bitz:
Quote by EnemyBritBomber:
Well that's depressing. I picked up the Ps4 as well and was looking forward to it tomorrow.

Couple of problems I have with the video. He says he hope Sony fixes the problem before the US launch.. Does he know that its tomorrow? Good luck with that!
States that its not uncommon for the first console to have issues. So we are just accepting this now and going to pay for things that dont work out of the box or break after normal use.

I wanted to see both consoles do well, but hope the Xbox doesnt have issues.
Thank you. People shouldn't have to be afraid to buy a new console simply because "they haven't worked out the bugs," or any such similar phrase that implies what is being purchased is not a good product. It's sad to hear that there may be PS4 problems, but now that I'm getting an XB1 (thank you MS!!!) I still hope there are no major issues with it.
I think this is the first time I've ever thanked MS

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