Archived: Article Discussion: Fallout 4... Real or Myth?
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Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by ComMandeR SouR:
But it also pisses off the fanbase, so it's really more of a negative in my eyes.
Wonder if that's the case? Like the troll was a Bethesda plant to get free hype without actually having a game ready to show?
Quote by Dr Feelgood 474:
I remember in the comments of he article about the kotaku article on that 2299 site a guy said his gf went to the casting call and he was going to email the script. Looks like he did.
Two weeks ago, a Kotaku reader sent me several documents from a casting call for a project code-named Institute. The casting documents, which I've been able to confirm are real, include scripts, character descriptions, and other details about the next Fallout, and although the word Fallout does not appear in these scripts, there are several references to Fallout's setting and locations. (The casting director for this project also worked on other Bethesda games, like Dishonored and Skyrim.)
I'm sorry- this is wayyy too close to that hoax site. If Bethesda had nothing to do with it, how was it so accurate?

You can read the article here