that chick looks hot though Lol.
DmC Devil May Cry Drops 2013

The upcoming Devil May Cry reboot, DmC, has received an official release date. Mark your calendars, as January 15, 2013 will be your chance to step into Dante's shoes once again. While a bit of controversy surrounds this game, especially among hardcore Devil May Cry series fans, the title looks like it could be a hit. Ninja Theory, developer of PS3 hit Heavenly Sword, will be taking the reigns with this one, so only time will tell.
On top of the release date, Capcom also introduced a new character: Kat (no relation to XbA's resident writer) is a former runaway that joined The Order very early in her life. Apparently, she is a medium and a gifted psychic who can see into Limbo, the demon realm, but not directly interact with it in the way that Dante does. Kat is The Order’s ‘eyes and ears’ and is tasked with guiding Dante on his mission through Limbo.

Hopefully these few details can change the minds of some DMC diehards. I am a big fan of the original Dante, but will certainly give this rendition a shot.