Archived: Article Discussion: Sex with Kinect? Hell no! Says MS

Quote by BeaverHunter:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by BeaverHunter:
and microsoft ISNT?
Quote by Taco:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:

Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Taco:
eh, i s'pose youre right w/ that
nintendo used to be an awesome gaming company. n64, gamecube, all the other ones theyve made...then they made the wii. boy was i disappoint. honestly i think they only did it cause they figured theyd get more money cause of children and older people w/ the wii. the kids like the excitement, the older people get a lil more entertainment in their life, more kids and old people buy them. from a business standpoint, win-win. but i guess they forgot about their hardcore gamer fans who dont give a FUCK about jumping around for a dam game. so they lost a lot of them to sony and microsoft...tsk tsk nintendo..
Quote by breesyst10:
As adult entertainment company ThriXXX announces that they have hacked the Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect motion tracking device, Microsoft has responded strongly with not just no, but hell no. They have stated in no uncertain terms that they are not interested in allowing a game of this nature on their system. Microsoft has never certified AO (adults only) content for use on their Xbox 360, or any other gaming system platform.
Parents will be relieved to know that Microsoft is not interested in breaking away from their family friendly platform to include AO games or any other type of interactive or virtual sexual fantasy games using the Kinect, or any other Xbox or Xbox 360 console. We’re fairly certain that they are also not pleased with the negative association to the ThriXXX brand of entertainment that they have been tied to with the announcement of the game’s potential.
Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Kinect device was created to enhance family friendly gaming, and that it has!! Interactive gaming has been taken to a whole new level with controller free motion gaming that allows players to actually be the controller, and to become completely immersed in the Kinect games, none of which include any sexual themes we might add!! Using advanced motion sensor technology, as well as sophisticated voice and facial recognition software, the Kinect takes your interactive gaming to a whole new level. The Xbox 360 Kinect currently has 17 Kinect compatible games that are receiving very high marks from consumers.
I'm surprised Micro$oft needs to make such an outspoken statement when over the last few months they've done everything in their power to whitewash the 360's content and make everyone think it's a "family" console.
Though, most of that quote sounds more like an advertisement for the Kinect rather than a denial of any adult Kinect games being made...
God bless the censors.
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by UrbanJack3l:
God bless the censors.
I let my son play violent games but nothing with even a whiff of sex in it. My reasoning is probably the same as the people who rate the games and give violence an M and sex an AO... Watching violence doesn't make you violent, but watching sex makes you want sex. The porn industry survives on that basic fact, but gun manufacturers aren't out making ultra-violent games and movies to sell their products.
Dude, are you fucking kidding me? Really?
This doesn't seem the least bit as-fucking backwards to you, letting a child play violent games but not letting them anywhere near sex??
Because you're worried it will make him want it, because if he doesn't see it he won't want it? Or he just won't want it as much? And he's somehow already desensitized???
Dear god Melissa.... I wish I had the energy to get in to it with you right now.
Note: I'm not tryng to critique your parenting or anything, I would let my kids play BOTH, I just cannot at all fathom the thought process behind this. It defies logic, it has an incredibly abstract rationale, it just boggles my mind.
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I let my son play violent games but nothing with even a whiff of sex in it. My reasoning is probably the same as the people who rate the games and give violence an M and sex an AO... Watching violence doesn't make you violent, but watching sex makes you want sex. The porn industry survives on that basic fact, but gun manufacturers aren't out making ultra-violent games and movies to sell their products.
Dude, are you fucking kidding me? Really?
This doesn't seem the least bit as-fucking backwards to you, letting a child play violent games but not letting them anywhere near sex??
Because you're worried it will make him want it, because if he doesn't see it he won't want it? Or he just won't want it as much? And he's somehow already desensitized???
Dear god Melissa.... I wish I had the energy to get in to it with you right now.
Note: I'm not tryng to critique your parenting or anything, I would let my kids play BOTH, I just cannot at all fathom the thought process behind this. It defies logic, it has an incredibly abstract rationale, it just boggles my mind.
just pictured a very angry reverend saying this to a woman, quite humorous i must say
altho i feel meta is...along the right track. but then again, w/ melissas child being so young, i wouldnt want him exposed to too much sexual content yet...maybe in a few years, but isnt he like...i think somewhere between 6-8? i cant really recall...but i will say melissa, i wouldnt shelter the boy from it. trust me melissa, my parents tried heavily to shelter me from all these sexual things...and that blew up in their face, altho im not sure they know it did yet