As far as the mini games, I haven't played many but I'm not really excited about them. But yeah I should have mentioned them. There really are a ton of ways to spend time in this game.
Archived: Article Discussion: I Watch the Watch Dogs... Kat's Xbox One Watch_Dogs Review
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Re: I Watch the Watch Dogs... Kat's Xbox One Watch_Dogs Review
06/04/14 5:38 am | #16
That's the problem with games like these- I write a 3k word review and I'm like "man, I think that's everything I can think of," and I still miss parts.
As far as the mini games, I haven't played many but I'm not really excited about them. But yeah I should have mentioned them. There really are a ton of ways to spend time in this game.
As far as the mini games, I haven't played many but I'm not really excited about them. But yeah I should have mentioned them. There really are a ton of ways to spend time in this game.
Re: Re: I Watch the Watch Dogs... Kat's Xbox One Watch_Dogs Review
06/04/14 6:36 am | #17
Quote by Kat:
That's the problem with games like these- I write a 3k word review and I'm like "man, I think that's everything I can think of," and I still miss parts.
You should try my "comprehensive" format. Using it, I can say everything I want in one sentence and a few fragments. It's especially useful for shitty games--try it for Thief!

Re: I Watch the Watch Dogs... Kat's Xbox One Watch_Dogs Review
06/04/14 11:33 am | #18
Before reading this I thought this was a no shit I'm definitely gonna own this, now not so much. Probably gonna rent it first. Great review.
Re: I Watch the Watch Dogs... Kat's Xbox One Watch_Dogs Review
06/11/14 6:57 pm | #19
Man, the guy who reviews games at the telegraph uk either read my review before writing his or is someone with remarkably similar views on games!
Side note- the Evol family was in minneapolis last weekend and the 11 year old asked if that's the city watch dogs is set in. XD
Side note- the Evol family was in minneapolis last weekend and the 11 year old asked if that's the city watch dogs is set in. XD