October Community Spotlight: SNEAKmidget
XbA Username: SNEAKmidget
Gamertag: SNEAKmidget
Could you tell us where you are from and your age?
I am from New Braunfels, Texas and 25 years old.
Would you mind telling us a little about yourself?[/b]
Games are what I do! When I'm not playing my 360 or my Super Nintendo I can be found on my PC hard at work creating/modding games for the Warcraft 3 Engine (My wc3 name is pyrokinesis). I would have to say RPG is my favorite Genre of game with Stealth games coming in a very close second.
How did you find XboxAmerica?[/b]
I found XBA through use of the site http://www.achieve360points.com
Favorite restaurant?[/b]
The Kentucky Fried Taco Hut" in Texas: Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Taco Bell have formed into one massive monster fast-food restaurant. That place rules. (On a side note, back in my college days at The Ohio State University in the early '90s, we had one we called "Hell in One" or Kentucky Taco Hut, as the actual name was All in One, not to mention it had Beast Light on Tap!) - Z
Most famous person you have met?[/b]
I'm friends with the members of the band As Blood Runs Black. A death metal band from CA, those guys will be a household name one day (like Dethklok!)
Person you would most like to have dinner with?[/b]
Quentin Tarantino
Who is hotter, Minnie Mouse or Daisy Duck?[/b]
I would have to say definitely Minnie, The duck bill is sort of a turn-off. But that's just me.
PC or MAC?[/b]
Easy one. PC!
How long you been an active gamer?[/b]
Two very interesting decades...
What is the story behind your Gamertag?[/b]
I had tired of my old gamertag and let xbox randomly choose me one. At the time I was playing a lot of shadowrun and SNEAKmidget had a certain appeal as I usually played a Dwarf with Elf type skills. I almost went with the other name it chose me... "Airsick Rabbit"
Favorite game genre?[/b]
RPG. Why? Zelda / Final Fantasy / Fable / W o W
These represent what I think a good RPG should be.
A good RPG demands no less than 100 hours of fun gaming. What other genre gives that Kind of replay value? Maybe online shooter... but those hours aren't the same quality of fun as taking on bosses with your long sword +2.
Favorite 360 game?[/b]
Looking to the XBOX Arcade for this one. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. If you have not played this then do yourself a huge favor and chuck out the microsoft points for it. The greatest game in Playstation's huge library of games is available on Xbox.
All-time favorite game on any platform?[/b]
Golden Eye 007 Nin64. This game for me was the first fun multiplayer shooter. No James Bond game since has lived up to this beast of a game.
Xbox 360 game not named Halo 3 you are looking most forward too?[/b]
Assassin's Creed!
How often do you play multiplayer on Xbox Live?[/b]
Every few days or so, now that COD beta has ended :/ I am pretty much just playing Skate Online at the moment. Sorry kids I don't like Halo 3 (or 2, or 1)
What type of Live Gamer are you?[/b]
I'm usually silent... waiting... watching... stalking
What does your Gamerscore mean to you?[/b]
It's a representation of how much time/effort/care I have invested into gaming on the 360 as a platform. Though obviously it means a little more than that... Last night I had a nightmare I received dozens of 0 point achievements.
Best in-game accomplishment?[/b]
I am creator of the Tempest RPG mod for the warcraft 3 engine
If you could bogart 5 things from existing games to make the ultimate game, what games and what parts would they be?[/b]
--1.) The Setting of Final Fantasy 12 (that unique locale for the game was simply amazing)
--2.) The Gameplay of Castlevania Franchise (whips/hearts/roastbeef/familiars/leveling/spells)
--3.) The amazing boss fights of Resident Evil Series
--4.) The easy to use, easy to play aspect of World of Warcraft that has appealed to millions.
--5.) Stealth Elements. a.k.a Assassin's Creed.
One thing you would like to change about anything related to Xbox 360?[/b]
I've received the Red Lights of Doom on 2 occasions. If I never see them again I will forgive Bill Gates and take back all those nasty things I said about him.
What can be done to improve XboxAmerica?[/b]
XBA should require a certain amount of posts before you can use the State Ranking signature. Many many people come to XBA just for the State Ranking and then never contribute to the community.
Got a question or comment? Put it below!