Archived: Zombies Anyone?
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Zombies Anyone?
09/07/11 8:58 am | #1
Sup fellas, Long time gamer and achievement whore. Just started playing Dead Island and Space marine. I play almost every game that comes out. So if your looking for a Early Review or my take on a game, send me a message and ill get back to you as soon as possible with a Fair and Honest Review. I play Literally everything. Glad to be a part of a great community of people with the same passion as myself!
Re: Zombies Anyone?
09/07/11 9:29 am | #2
Welcome to XBA, Enjoy your stay and the site...
Re: Zombies Anyone?
09/07/11 9:35 am | #3
Thanks, Already enjoying the site entirely.
Re: Zombies Anyone?
09/07/11 9:51 am | #4
Re: Zombies Anyone?
09/07/11 10:21 pm | #5
Welcome aboard.
Re: Zombies Anyone?
09/07/11 10:25 pm | #6
Hail and welcome to ye hatebrew of swarthy gamage!
How are you enjoying Space Marine so far?
How are you enjoying Space Marine so far?
Re: Zombies Anyone?
09/07/11 10:35 pm | #7
Welcome and if I ever rent Dead Island I hope to play with ya.
Re: Zombies Anyone?
09/07/11 11:03 pm | #9
Welcome to XboxAmerica!
Re: Zombies Anyone?
09/07/11 11:45 pm | #10
Welcome to XBA!!! Enjoy your stay!!!
Re: Zombies Anyone?
09/08/11 12:10 am | #11
It's actually really fun. The Single player is lengthy and plenty of carnage to be had. Multiplayer im still figuring out because the learning curve is pretty steep. I dont know what works better online and Im also not too good at thrid person shooters. But im sure a little more time will bring me around.
Re: Zombies Anyone?
09/08/11 3:21 am | #12
Welcome to XbA. New members FTW.

Re: Zombies Anyone?
09/08/11 11:04 am | #14
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