Archived: zombieland
Posted Under: Entertainment
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 3:48 pm | #16
thats cool but i still think zombieland is a great movie and this is coming from a huge zombie fan
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 4:52 pm | #17
I think my favorite part was when....
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Bill Murry was trying to trick the kid, and the kid thought he was a real zombie and killed him...
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 7:40 pm | #18
I enjoyed Zombieland but overall it felt less like a zombie movie and more like a roadtrip buddy flick that had zombies at the beginning and end. It didn't help that everyone except B.M. and Woody Harrelson were total farkwads with no personality.
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 9:21 pm | #19
whats a farkwad
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 9:24 pm | #20
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 9:24 pm | #21
thats right
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 9:59 pm | #23
how exactly am i giving anyone a negative comment
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 10:07 pm | #24
ether way i dont think its any of your buisness how i respawned to my forums
Re: Re: zombieland
04/09/10 10:13 pm | #25
Quote by Skull x360a:
ether way i dont think its any of your buisness how i respawned to my forums
Actually I think you should really respect who you're talking to. Top Dogs is one of the most recognized members of this site! He was also once a Mod. I thought the movie was ok. Reason being is that they kinda got all side tracked on one thing. ZOMBIES!!! Half of the movie was watching them talk about shit. I liked it but I don't think that it is the best one ever. Just my opinion. Also why don't I just go out and give myself a big ol negative just cuz I spoke my opinion. -1 bonedaddy83 cuz he said so.
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 10:18 pm | #26
thats great but i dont know this top dogs there for i have no respect for him and dont beleeve i was putting any negative comments towards anyone
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 10:20 pm | #27
The movie was decent. But when compared to other zombie flicks, it just doesn't fit the bill.
Since when do you have to know someone to respect them? You have tons to learn, sir.
Since when do you have to know someone to respect them? You have tons to learn, sir.
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 10:22 pm | #28
i take that back i do have some respect do to his gamer score and awards but like i said i dont know this guy
Re: zombieland
04/09/10 10:23 pm | #29
Well maybe you should check up on the way things are done and who is a person to respect and who isn't! Hell why don't you give me another -1 just for good measure.