no, i personally have never done this. i get bored on the interwebz so i look up random sexual things. ive gotten more education from my boredom then all my sex ed classes combined xD which is almost sad
Closed: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
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Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/07/10 11:58 pm | #61
actually deadly, altho you may feel you dont want to...from what ive read, as long as its not in her first 3 days of bleeding (these days are the heaviest apparentally) you can have sex w/ her and not have too many problems. in fact, it can actually ease menstrual cramps, and im sure she'd love that (i hear theyre a bitch to deal with) just like let her do the bleeding for the day (you dont wanna be hittin it and the blood tryna come out when you want in, that would suck) and then go for it.
no, i personally have never done this. i get bored on the interwebz so i look up random sexual things. ive gotten more education from my boredom then all my sex ed classes combined xD which is almost sad
no, i personally have never done this. i get bored on the interwebz so i look up random sexual things. ive gotten more education from my boredom then all my sex ed classes combined xD which is almost sad
Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:02 am | #62
lol isnt that how most kids learn? haha
yea she would i knw that much, she was complaining about her cramps earlier when called me while she was on break from work. complaining about dying n some other nonsense haha
yea she would i knw that much, she was complaining about her cramps earlier when called me while she was on break from work. complaining about dying n some other nonsense haha
Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:02 am | #63
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
You know what really grinds my gears? Hard mode in games being damned impossible... I'm looking at you Darksiders.
It does piss me off when a game seems absurd in its prejudiced efforts to kill you, but I'm actually glad to hear Darksiders' Hard mode is Hard.
It seems like the last few games I played through on Hard really weren't that difficult. I went through Wet on Hard first time no problem. Just recently I finished Modern Warfare 2 on Veteran, and yeah I died a lot but it really wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be. It's probably the easiest Call of Duty game overall to do on Veteran.
I'm doing Bayonetta on Normal right now 'cause you have to but I intend to do it again on Hard, and that's going to be interesting. Because I already get my ass handed to me 3-6 times every level since 2.
Something that already grinds my gears even though I haven't gone through it yet, is that there's a 100G Achievement for finishing Bayonetta on the Really Forking Hard mode, Super Climax Infinity or whatever the eff it's called.
Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:04 am | #64
Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:
lol isnt that how most kids learn? haha
yea she would i knw that much, she was complaining about her cramps earlier when called me while she was on break from work. complaining about dying n some other nonsense haha
yea she would i knw that much, she was complaining about her cramps earlier when called me while she was on break from work. complaining about dying n some other nonsense haha
exactly, so help her out w/ the cramps man. shed love that prolly
Re: Re: Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:05 am | #65
Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
that ^
It grinds my gears when someone writes "i". It should NEVER be alone and not capitalized!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:08 am | #67
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:
It grinds my gears when someone writes "i". It should NEVER be alone and not capitalized!
umm yea im lazy lol.
n if im not in a classroom, then i just dont really care bout grammar to much.
im surprised u take the time to read all that to look for an imperfection
Re: Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:12 am | #68
Quote by Lady Evol:
Quote by Taco:
actually deadly, altho you may feel you dont want to...from what ive read, as long as its not in her first 3 days of bleeding (these days are the heaviest apparentally) you can have sex w/ her and not have too many problems. in fact, it can actually ease menstrual cramps, and im sure she'd love that (i hear theyre a bitch to deal with) just like let her do the bleeding for the day (you dont wanna be hittin it and the blood tryna come out when you want in, that would suck) and then go for it.
no, i personally have never done this. i get bored on the interwebz so i look up random sexual things. ive gotten more education from my boredom then all my sex ed classes combined xD which is almost sad
no, i personally have never done this. i get bored on the interwebz so i look up random sexual things. ive gotten more education from my boredom then all my sex ed classes combined xD which is almost sad
Let her do the bleeding for the day???? lol??? There's not a daily quota...

well then...if shes going to bleed (i dont think theres a way to know/tell....but...yeaa) just make sure its not in the first 3 days, those are heaviest from what i was told
Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:14 am | #69
Quote by Taco:
actually deadly, altho you may feel you dont want to...from what ive read, as long as its not in her first 3 days of bleeding (these days are the heaviest apparentally) you can have sex w/ her and not have too many problems. in fact, it can actually ease menstrual cramps, and im sure she'd love that (i hear theyre a bitch to deal with) just like let her do the bleeding for the day (you dont wanna be hittin it and the blood tryna come out when you want in, that would suck) and then go for it.
no, i personally have never done this. i get bored on the interwebz so i look up random sexual things. ive gotten more education from my boredom then all my sex ed classes combined xD which is almost sad
no, i personally have never done this. i get bored on the interwebz so i look up random sexual things. ive gotten more education from my boredom then all my sex ed classes combined xD which is almost sad
Fucking Epic Quote.
Red Wings anyone?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:21 am | #71
Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
It grinds my gears when someone writes "i". It should NEVER be alone and not capitalized!
umm yea im lazy lol.
n if im not in a classroom, then i just dont really care bout grammar to much.
im surprised u take the time to read all that to look for an imperfection
NOOO!! 4 "i"s in your response! How hard is it to press shift! I know you are not one handed!
Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:22 am | #72
Quote by Lady Evol:
Ahhh the internet... turning boys into men then back into boys since 1995.
are you sayin that cause thats when i was born?
@apop - calm down xD i will capitalize i if i feel like it, same w/ everyone else. i dont care for grammar personally xD
Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:25 am | #73
^ditto to like the one hundreth powerx2
lol u were born that year taco.
lol u were born that year taco.
Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:25 am | #74
Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:
^ditto to like the one hundreth powerx2
lol u were born that year taco.
lol u were born that year taco.
yes i was...i turned 15 the other day...gotta get my learners >.> lol
she intentionally put that year me thinkz
Re: Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/08/10 12:26 am | #75
Quote by Taco:
@apop - calm down xD i will capitalize i if i feel like it, same w/ everyone else. i dont care for grammar personally xD
[shuts off computer, goes to bed dreaming of a world filled with intelligent beings]