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Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/24/10 11:11 am | #781
The only thing that grind my gears is vampire glitter.
Teens now think that it's been around forever, and they think that when sun hits a vampire, they sparkle. NO! NO! NO!..... THEY BURST INTO FLAMES, WITH AGONY.
I don't have anything against the Twilight Saga, couldn't care less, even though it attracts a younger crow to this genre, It fucks up the menacing vampire nature.
The Count is WAY scarier than those shiny vamps and wereDOGS.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/24/10 3:37 pm | #783
100,000 gamerscore DOESN'T grind my gears
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/24/10 8:58 pm | #784
Quote by kroberts11:
Quote by AJ:
What grinds my gears is playing UT3 to get some quick cheeves to break 100k but fuck that game... 4 hours and only 10gs... I've only died like 10 times with over 100 kills...
I've almost beaten the campaign once, and I only have 130.. it is an impossible "waffle" game. It's annoying >_<
its only impossible if youre a total derp-monster xDD i got 420 in that game just by beating the campaign and grinding out some multiplayer stuff w/ a bot xD its really not that hard tho
Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/24/10 9:04 pm | #785
Quote by Taco:
Quote by kroberts11:
I've almost beaten the campaign once, and I only have 130.. it is an impossible "waffle" game. It's annoying >_<
its only impossible if youre a total derp-monster xDD i got 420 in that game just by beating the campaign and grinding out some multiplayer stuff w/ a bot xD its really not that hard tho
Yea, after playing for a couple hours today with xsupermanx81x and A Silent Circus, I'm at 180. Once I finish the campaign on insane with them (we're halfway done) I'll probably have about 500. If I sim some cheeves, 700+ is no problem.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/25/10 12:30 am | #786
I played that piece of shit for ten minutes and sent it back to gamefly. Just awful.
Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/25/10 10:31 am | #787
Quote by Taco:
Quote by kroberts11:
I've almost beaten the campaign once, and I only have 130.. it is an impossible "waffle" game. It's annoying >_<
its only impossible if youre a total derp-monster xDD i got 420 in that game just by beating the campaign and grinding out some multiplayer stuff w/ a bot xD its really not that hard tho
I feel like grinding isn't allowed to be in the same sentence as waffle... because if that's true, then FF13 is a waffle because all it takes is grinding.
Edit - it doesn't help that I'm used to playing this on the PC, not with a controller.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/25/10 11:01 am | #788
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Taco:
its only impossible if youre a total derp-monster xDD i got 420 in that game just by beating the campaign and grinding out some multiplayer stuff w/ a bot xD its really not that hard tho
Yea, after playing for a couple hours today with xsupermanx81x and A Silent Circus, I'm at 180. Once I finish the campaign on insane with them (we're halfway done) I'll probably have about 500. If I sim some cheeves, 700+ is no problem.
I tried UT3 on my junk account and I just didn't like the game.
What grinds my gears - Slow DSL connections. Maybe that's a new oxymoron, "Slow DSL."
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/25/10 6:08 pm | #789
Fuck I missed the sale on Bionic Commando Re-armed and Shadow Complex.
Fuck. That grinds my gears.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/25/10 10:53 pm | #790
What grinds my gears is my completion card not updating when it should!
360Voice seems like it's going down the tubes...
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/26/10 12:06 am | #792
Quote by Jennifer 9000:
I hate when I come home from work and I have the whole night to myself because the kids are already in bed, but I can't figure out what to do.
Ha! 1k PoP!
Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/26/10 12:12 am | #794
Quote by Jennifer 9000:
The problem is I sorta wanna read my Chelsea Handler book, and I sorta wanna watch a movie, and I sorta wanna listen to some music, and I sorta wanna play a game...
I can't do them all at once and can't decide which I wanna do the most.
...Or can you?
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