Quote by X:
Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by slicknick3822:
I was damn tempted to do a quad post with the same thing in a row with only this explanation......
I was damn tempted to do a quad post with the same thing in a row with only this explanation......
I was damn tempted to do a quad post with the same thing in a row with only this explanation......
I was damn tempted to do a quad post with the same thing in a row with only this explanation......
It's been two weeks, Stiles has the croup (or however you spell it) and will not let charity sleep for more then 4 hours a night (in two hour intervals) and neither one of my family has asked to take him for alight (like I was told over and over they would). My family is so fucking selfish, it's like, I almost feel like they do not like her, for whatever fucking reason. When I am there, they offer to help and do all this bullshit, but when I am gone, it's like they have no feeling in their bones to help her out.
That's fine, they want to play this shit. They won't see their son or grandchildren for quite a long fucking time. They take the fact that he is their day in to day out that they aren't spending the time with him that they should, guess what folks, you're going to be 9 hours away from him and I don't want to hear your bullshit "oh I miss him". Should have spent time with him when you had him.
I know everyone has family problems, but I will never do this shit to Stiles. I know it will be quite a good long time but I will never make Stiles feel the way that my family makes me feel. I can't wait to get my wife and son out of that poisonous environment. That, on top of my mom is so fucking passive aggressive. She claims to be a bitch and have bigger balls then a man, but when it comes down to it, she makes these passive aggressive comments. You know who she is talking about, and how she means it. Everyone fucking does. But let someone confront her about it..."oh I didn't mean it that way, I don't know what you are talking about"...yeah right, what the fuckity fuck fuck ever.
i can't stand this fucking shit.
EDIT: I'm sorry guys, I know this post was a bit personal, but I had to vent.
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by X:
yip, just MS giving you the digital shaft again, it just gets under my skin since the lost chapters has like hours more of content and all they had to do was format that instead of the first copy of the game

Quote by iKidd:
It's been two weeks, Stiles has the croup (or however you spell it) and will not let charity sleep for more then 4 hours a night (in two hour intervals) and neither one of my family has asked to take him for alight (like I was told over and over they would). My family is so fucking selfish, it's like, I almost feel like they do not like her, for whatever fucking reason. When I am there, they offer to help and do all this bullshit, but when I am gone, it's like they have no feeling in their bones to help her out.
That's fine, they want to play this shit. They won't see their son or grandchildren for quite a long fucking time. They take the fact that he is their day in to day out that they aren't spending the time with him that they should, guess what folks, you're going to be 9 hours away from him and I don't want to hear your bullshit "oh I miss him". Should have spent time with him when you had him.
I know everyone has family problems, but I will never do this shit to Stiles. I know it will be quite a good long time but I will never make Stiles feel the way that my family makes me feel. I can't wait to get my wife and son out of that poisonous environment. That, on top of my mom is so fucking passive aggressive. She claims to be a bitch and have bigger balls then a man, but when it comes down to it, she makes these passive aggressive comments. You know who she is talking about, and how she means it. Everyone fucking does. But let someone confront her about it..."oh I didn't mean it that way, I don't know what you are talking about"...yeah right, what the fuckity fuck fuck ever.
i can't stand this fucking shit.
EDIT: I'm sorry guys, I know this post was a bit personal, but I had to vent.
PS - Croup is no joke, have they been to the doctor??
Quote by Meta:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
I was damn tempted to do a quad post with the same thing in a row with only this explanation......
I was damn tempted to do a quad post with the same thing in a row with only this explanation......
I was damn tempted to do a quad post with the same thing in a row with only this explanation......
I was damn tempted to do a quad post with the same thing in a row with only this explanation......
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Meta:
I found meta a new sig:

Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by iKidd:
It's been two weeks, Stiles has the croup (or however you spell it) and will not let charity sleep for more then 4 hours a night (in two hour intervals) and neither one of my family has asked to take him for alight (like I was told over and over they would). My family is so fucking selfish, it's like, I almost feel like they do not like her, for whatever fucking reason. When I am there, they offer to help and do all this bullshit, but when I am gone, it's like they have no feeling in their bones to help her out.
That's fine, they want to play this shit. They won't see their son or grandchildren for quite a long fucking time. They take the fact that he is their day in to day out that they aren't spending the time with him that they should, guess what folks, you're going to be 9 hours away from him and I don't want to hear your bullshit "oh I miss him". Should have spent time with him when you had him.
I know everyone has family problems, but I will never do this shit to Stiles. I know it will be quite a good long time but I will never make Stiles feel the way that my family makes me feel. I can't wait to get my wife and son out of that poisonous environment. That, on top of my mom is so fucking passive aggressive. She claims to be a bitch and have bigger balls then a man, but when it comes down to it, she makes these passive aggressive comments. You know who she is talking about, and how she means it. Everyone fucking does. But let someone confront her about it..."oh I didn't mean it that way, I don't know what you are talking about"...yeah right, what the fuckity fuck fuck ever.
i can't stand this fucking shit.
EDIT: I'm sorry guys, I know this post was a bit personal, but I had to vent.
PS - Croup is no joke, have they been to the doctor??
Yeah that is how she found out that he had it. He just wasn't sleeping like he normally does (up every hour or two, around midnight he wakes up and I mean gets wide awake and won't go back until 3 or 4.) They gave her Amoxicillan but IDK how that is going. She told me she feels like he is sleeping a LITTLE better but not too much better. They told us to get a breathing treatment for him but we don't know where to get one at where we live.
Got this new job right. I am suppose to get a relocation bonus so I can get a house around the area. I had to fork out 5 grand for my wife to get her appendix removed so we are strapped for money. The company has put me up in a motel until the 13. My relocation bonus is going to be included in my first check........on the 18th. I'm starting to regret working with this company any further. It's always some kind of bullshit. So I am trying to get my relocation package sooner so I can have a place to stay after the check out date to my hotel. If not, I am f.u.c.k.e.d.
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Already called Microsoft and changed all passwords on both email addresses and my gamer Tag.
Account is now locked for investigation, so I not only cannot buy Virtual Fighter, but can't buy Skyrim DLC tomorrow, or RAW either, which I was saving for the end to make sure I had the points I needed for everything else.
Haven't heard back yet, so I took it upon myself to contact them via their chat option. Took 2 people and 30 minutes, but they said the investigation is complete and I am getting my 4480 microsoft points back. I am very happy.
Now if only Skyrim's DLC would go back on sale. And Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise...
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Already called Microsoft and changed all passwords on both email addresses and my gamer Tag.
Account is now locked for investigation, so I not only cannot buy Virtual Fighter, but can't buy Skyrim DLC tomorrow, or RAW either, which I was saving for the end to make sure I had the points I needed for everything else.
Haven't heard back yet, so I took it upon myself to contact them via their chat option. Took 2 people and 30 minutes, but they said the investigation is complete and I am getting my 4480 microsoft points back. I am very happy.
Now if only Skyrim's DLC would go back on sale. And Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise...
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Haven't heard back yet, so I took it upon myself to contact them via their chat option. Took 2 people and 30 minutes, but they said the investigation is complete and I am getting my 4480 microsoft points back. I am very happy.
Now if only Skyrim's DLC would go back on sale. And Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise...

I asked, they said it was not possible.

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