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Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/29/12 8:39 pm | #5341
Quote by Detroit:
Fucking noobs bumpin the shit out of old ass "Welcome" threads.... -__-
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/29/12 9:13 pm | #5342
Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, it didn’t need it and to be frank, from playing the multiplayer, it sucks. Shame it’s got Achievements.
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/29/12 9:18 pm | #5343
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Itz My 00 Buck:
Barack O Bama and Socialist everywhere. Also, the Occupy Wall Street Hippies. People who hate America and Communist.
Wow. Watch FOX News much? Sounds like you get all your ignorant political opinions by repeating everything Bill O'Reilly regurgitates.
Hate to get political but socialism is BAD news, remember Russia?
P.S. If you love Nobama now wait till all the things you’ve worked for are for naught. Barry loves the welfare.
Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/29/12 11:23 pm | #5344
Quote by E Rock 31:
Quote by IRiSH:
Wow. Watch FOX News much? Sounds like you get all your ignorant political opinions by repeating everything Bill O'Reilly regurgitates.
Hate to get political but socialism is BAD news, remember Russia?
P.S. If you love Nobama now wait till all the things you’ve worked for are for naught. Barry loves the welfare.

You must go through a lot of breath mints while talking out your ass so much.
Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/01/12 2:34 am | #5345
Quote by E Rock 31:
Quote by IRiSH:
Wow. Watch FOX News much? Sounds like you get all your ignorant political opinions by repeating everything Bill O'Reilly regurgitates.
Hate to get political but socialism is BAD news, remember Russia?
P.S. If you love Nobama now wait till all the things you’ve worked for are for naught. Barry loves the welfare.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/01/12 11:02 am | #5346
Necroposting grinds my gears.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/01/12 11:33 pm | #5347
One retort for the Democrats on the board; I serve my country for you to be able to post your comment in English, so quite frankly BLOW ME.
P.S. Apologies to both Mo & Meta, for one entertaining the ideas posted, and two for the language.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/02/12 11:44 pm | #5348
Quote by E Rock 31:
One retort for the Democrats on the board; I serve my country for you to be able to post your comment in English, so quite frankly BLOW ME.
P.S. Apologies to both Mo & Meta, for one entertaining the ideas posted, and two for the language.
Well a wholehearted thanks for your service but that doesn't excuse your political ignorance and immaturity. If you're gonna come on to these boards and broadcast your ignorance, you can expect to be called on it just like anyone else. I'll admit I'm a registered Democrat but that really doesn't define who I am politically and I plan on re-registering as Independent after this election simply because I'm so fed up with the current two party system. Everyone wants to blame Obama for the current state of affairs when the fact is he's still forced to deal with mess that Bush left him because the Republicans refuse to work with him. They don't seem to realize that everyone in Congress well either R or D, is just as responsible for the state of our Union.
Everyone voted for change in '08 and then turned around and voted in all those Republicans in 2010 after they did everything they could to stifle that change. The Republicans in Congress are nothing but a bunch of stubborn bullies who refuse to compromise and the Democrats are a bunch of pussies who refuse to stand up for their ideals. Everyone in Washington is more concerned with keeping their jobs than actually doing them. I just don't understand how the average voter can honestly think that their representatives have their best interests at heart when they're so busy getting taken out to lunch by the thousands of lobbyists and political interest groups. I lost any respect for our legislature when they voted to approve the super-pacs.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/03/12 6:01 am | #5349
Your the Ignorant one. Obama has been in Office for 3 years and everything he has done has not helped but hurt the Economy and our Military more than Bush did. Also, I agree with you the two party system is getting ridiculous. Also, you should learn what change is before you vote or the change with get painfully shoved up all our asses. P.S. Many times the Republicans have tried to compromise but it's the Liberal way or no way at all.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/03/12 6:47 am | #5350
People arguing about politics on a gaming forum when they'll never actually affect how any of the offices run
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/03/12 9:44 am | #5351
Quote by IRiSH:
Well a wholehearted thanks for your service but that doesn't excuse your political ignorance and immaturity. If you're gonna come on to these boards and broadcast your ignorance, you can expect to be called on it just like anyone else. I'll admit I'm a registered Democrat but that really doesn't define who I am politically and I plan on re-registering as Independent after this election simply because I'm so fed up with the current two party system.
Everyone wants to blame Obama for the current state of affairs when the fact is he's still forced to deal with mess that Bush left him because the Republicans refuse to work with him. They don't seem to realize that everyone in Congress well either R or D, is just as responsible for the state of our Union.
Everyone voted for change in '08 and then turned around and voted in all those Republicans in 2010 after they did everything they could to stifle that change. The Republicans in Congress are nothing but a bunch of stubborn bullies who refuse to compromise and the Democrats are a bunch of pussies who refuse to stand up for their ideals. Everyone in Washington is more concerned with keeping their jobs than actually doing them. I just don't understand how the average voter can honestly think that their representatives have their best interests at heart when they're so busy getting taken out to lunch by the thousands of lobbyists and political interest groups. I lost any respect for our legislature when they voted to approve the super-pacs.

I don't remember what I'm registered as, because I'm not Democrat or Republican, I just look into the candidates and go with who I think will help our country the best.
The highlighted area is exactly true. It was said before Obama was elected that no matter if Obama was elected or McCain, neither of them would be able to fix this country in a 4 year term, maybe not even 8, due to the amount of damage that was already done. Everyone blames Obama for everything, but they forget that we were free falling with no where to go except the next great depression when he took office. The automobile industry was practically dead, or damn well close to it. I honestly think, and this is an OPINION, that he did a good job with the hand he was dealt.
Hell, I have friends who are Republicans who have said before the election, and now, that they don't care if he could fix the country, he's a Democrat, and even if the Republicans going against him will be worse, they will still vote Republican. THAT is just plain retarded and childish. I've heard the same from racist bigots, just because he's a black man.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/03/12 10:13 am | #5352
Quote by Circus:
People arguing about politics on a gaming forum when they'll never actually affect how any of the offices run

Politics grind my gears.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/03/12 2:49 pm | #5353
Quote by Itz My 00 Buck:
Your the Ignorant one. Obama has been in Office for 3 years and everything he has done has not helped but hurt the Economy and our Military more than Bush did. Also, I agree with you the two party system is getting ridiculous. Also, you should learn what change is before you vote or the change with get painfully shoved up all our asses. P.S. Many times the Republicans have tried to compromise but it's the Liberal way or no way at all.
I agree with you guys that arguing politics really should have no place in these gaming forums but I'll be damned if ignorant statements like this get to go unchecked. The facts are there if you're not blind and those facts show that our economy is better off than it was when Obama took office despite the Republicans doing everything they can keep it in the dumps so they can blame it on him to try to get him out of office. And how has things like getting out of Iraq and finally taking out bin Laden hurt our military? The fact is that the military has grown under Obama despite FOX News telling you the opposite. We all knew exactly what kinda of change to expect and I assume you're referring to "Obama Care." In that regards, the only ones that "taking it in the ass" are the insurance companies that were gauging their customers with ridiculous rates. The Republicans in office don't give a shit about your rights, they only care about padding their reelection campaign funds with contributions from lobbyists representing the big insurance companies and other big interest groups. This is the last I'm gonna argue on the subject. You "Republicans" can continue to talk out your asses all you want but it's going to fall on deaf ears.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/04/12 11:24 am | #5354
Just leave America. There is no room for the ignorance you have here we have enough of it already you and people like you need to leave. I was simply stating what Grinds my Gears. Then you have to attack me and my Opinions.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/04/12 12:15 pm | #5355
Politics are stupid.
Also, missing some of you guys on Xbox grinds my gears.
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