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Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/20/11 10:04 pm | #3856
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Call your dad when you get off, Setsu, and then he'll know to be ready for your call at a certain time, but he doesn't have to sit waiting in the parking lot... I've never in my life worked a job where I strolled out of the workplace at the time I was scheduled to get off- and I've worked in every industry you can imagine.
That's fine and all but I see why he left at 8, if they told him to clock out at 8 and then within the last half hour decided they needed him to stay and do two hours of extra work then they should have told him beforehand. My boss will ask people if they can stay extra time to help out if we get really busy, like this past friday a few people had to stay after an extra half hour. You don't just drop a workload onto a person.
Basically that, if they had told me sooner i would have called my dad be like "YO POPS IMMA STAY A BIT LONGER FOR MO CASH, ILL HIT YA UP" and this would have given me more time to prep for tmr ahead of time and start getting cleaned up. Instead i was told basically last minute and they expected me to accept that ... yeah fuck that noise im not going to let them poorly organize something like that and get away with it just so they can do it again in the future (if im even in that future)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/20/11 10:06 pm | #3857
Quote by Setsuna:
Quote by Mudkip:
That's fine and all but I see why he left at 8, if they told him to clock out at 8 and then within the last half hour decided they needed him to stay and do two hours of extra work then they should have told him beforehand. My boss will ask people if they can stay extra time to help out if we get really busy, like this past friday a few people had to stay after an extra half hour. You don't just drop a workload onto a person.
Basically that, if they had told me sooner i would have called my dad be like "YO POPS IMMA STAY A BIT LONGER FOR MO CASH, ILL HIT YA UP" and this would have given me more time to prep for tmr ahead of time and start getting cleaned up. Instead i was told basically last minute and they expected me to accept that ... yeah fuck that noise im not going to let them poorly organize something like that and get away with it just so they can do it again in the future (if im even in that future)
I agree Setsuna. I've been a manager at nearly every place I've worked. I would NEVER have done this to an employee.....and if for some reason I did, I would be fine with them leaving.
The problem with a lot of these bigger corporations is they don't give a crap about any of their employees. You are simply a tool to earn them money, if you don't do what they like they will just find someone else to replace you.
Its no wonder I end up in charge at the places I work, I don't put up with that crap and I treat subordinates respectfully.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/20/11 10:10 pm | #3858
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by AJ:
Careful, Aldemar is gonna come in here and edit your post now. Since this seems to the be the 1 month out of the year he's active on the site.
Not to try and be a mod but doesn't a Blue Waffle Qualify as Obscene?
"1. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar,
obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;"
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/20/11 11:19 pm | #3860
People crying in the GS competition thread cause they got/are getting a strike for the week for being in last place...um that's how elimination works, last place gets a strike, why is there any debate over it any week?!?
Put up the points and shut up, if not who cares, they're video games
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/20/11 11:36 pm | #3861
Quote by Setsuna:
Quote by Mudkip:
That's fine and all but I see why he left at 8, if they told him to clock out at 8 and then within the last half hour decided they needed him to stay and do two hours of extra work then they should have told him beforehand. My boss will ask people if they can stay extra time to help out if we get really busy, like this past friday a few people had to stay after an extra half hour. You don't just drop a workload onto a person.
Basically that, if they had told me sooner i would have called my dad be like "YO POPS IMMA STAY A BIT LONGER FOR MO CASH, ILL HIT YA UP" and this would have given me more time to prep for tmr ahead of time and start getting cleaned up. Instead i was told basically last minute and they expected me to accept that ... yeah fuck that noise im not going to let them poorly organize something like that and get away with it just so they can do it again in the future (if im even in that future)
Happens to me all the time...well recently I'd have to work past my allotted time and most of the time I'm by myself for hours and can't do shit but work people didn't do...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/21/11 1:10 am | #3864
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Setsuna:
Basically that, if they had told me sooner i would have called my dad be like "YO POPS IMMA STAY A BIT LONGER FOR MO CASH, ILL HIT YA UP" and this would have given me more time to prep for tmr ahead of time and start getting cleaned up. Instead i was told basically last minute and they expected me to accept that ... yeah fuck that noise im not going to let them poorly organize something like that and get away with it just so they can do it again in the future (if im even in that future)
Would you really have said it like that??? We need to chat sometime.

Ahaha well at that point and time no ... i would have been dead tired to think about it x]
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/21/11 12:55 pm | #3865
Fucking routers and internet grind my gears. My NAT has been open for 4 days and I've had no problems with Netflix. Now all of a sudden it's strict and I get booted from Netflix every 15 fucking seconds. I didn't change one thing. This is such bullshit.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/21/11 1:01 pm | #3866
Quote by AJ:
Fucking routers and internet grind my gears. My NAT has been open for 4 days and I've had no problems with Netflix. Now all of a sudden it's strict and I get booted from Netflix every 15 fucking seconds. I didn't change one thing. This is such bullshit.
NAT Has nothing to do with Netflix, it's the ability to talk and connect to certain people, at least related to Xbox. It's probably just the Netflix servers. Besides, I have a shitty strict NAT myself and I watch movies fine
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/21/11 1:05 pm | #3867
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by AJ:
Fucking routers and internet grind my gears. My NAT has been open for 4 days and I've had no problems with Netflix. Now all of a sudden it's strict and I get booted from Netflix every 15 fucking seconds. I didn't change one thing. This is such bullshit.
NAT Has nothing to do with Netflix, it's the ability to talk and connect to certain people, at least related to Xbox. It's probably just the Netflix servers. Besides, I have a shitty strict NAT myself and I watch movies fine
Well whenever my NAT is moderate or strict I get disconnected from live while watching Netflix every 20-25 seconds. If it's open, I have absolutely 0 problems.
Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/21/11 2:05 pm | #3868
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Daniel:
NAT Has nothing to do with Netflix, it's the ability to talk and connect to certain people, at least related to Xbox. It's probably just the Netflix servers. Besides, I have a shitty strict NAT myself and I watch movies fine
Well whenever my NAT is moderate or strict I get disconnected from live while watching Netflix every 20-25 seconds. If it's open, I have absolutely 0 problems.
That's odd, I watch movies fine regardless of my NAT setting
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/21/11 2:16 pm | #3869
Yeah, I don't have any problems when watching stuff on Netflix.
Hulu plus on the other hand is constantly buffering on me.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
06/21/11 3:25 pm | #3870
Quote by IRiSH:
Yeah, I don't have any problems when watching stuff on Netflix.
Hulu plus on the other hand is constantly buffering on me.
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