Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by kroberts11:
WTF are you complaining about? I was always happy to get blown off by 1 person every few months.
Wait... what exactly are you talking about when you say "blown off"...
i get up this morn, and i eat, get dressed, ready to go to work, etc etc.....and then, not 30 mins before we were going to leave, i get a call from my grandma saying they dont need me to work today -.- usually, im just kinda gr about it, but today its just really set me over the edge for like, a few reasons
1. i needed to work today, at least a few hours, to get the rest of the money i need to get my freakin DCI tickets
2. i actually wanted to work today because ive not been to work for a good while (out of like the last 5 or 6 weeks, ive worked once) and its better to be there and bored then at my house bored because there i atleast have fam to talk to n such
3. i feel as tho everytime they need someone to NOT work, they ALWAYS pick me to be that one...and then never try to do anything to make up for it. but my cousin, who does the same basic job i do, and has the same pay, almost NEVER is told she isnt working. she works basically EVERY thursday/friday, and sometimes saturdays too!(thurs fri sat are the only days were open, 10 hours each day..) and shes younger then me by like a the hell is that fair?
i guess this is one of those "welcome to the real world" kinda situations, but that doesnt make it any less fucking retarded and annoying...
Quote by Meta:
Quote by kroberts11:
WTF are you complaining about? I was always happy to get blown off by 1 person every few months.
Wait... what exactly are you talking about when you say "blown off"...
Off is the key word here. If anyone was blowing me right now, I wouldn't be in this thread

Quote by kroberts11:
ya know, i had exactly the opposite problem last nite...i went to bed at 9, which is really early for body was just dead tired
but then saturday nite, i couldnt sleep at all. idk if i even got a total of an hour and a half of sleep...i know i didnt get much tho, thats for sure..
wonder how my sleep will be this nite
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