Archived: Yep. Another new person.
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: Yep. Another new person.
05/01/10 7:19 am | #17
Welcome to the site
Re: Yep. Another new person.
05/01/10 7:55 am | #18
Welcome!!, As my master would say "Take the TOUR, all the kool kids do it."
Re: Yep. Another new person.
05/01/10 9:17 am | #19
Re: Re: Yep. Another new person.
05/01/10 9:35 am | #21
Quote by Daniel:
Welcome!!, As my master would say "Take the TOUR, all the kool kids do it."
Welcome to The XBA! Have fun & enjoy!
Finally! The truth comes out!

The young Daniel aka xX RFW ICON Xx is PureEvil x21's padawan.
You see nothing here... Please go on with your business... No Jedi was here

Re: Yep. Another new person.
05/01/10 10:27 am | #22
Welcome to XBA
Re: Yep. Another new person.
05/01/10 10:48 am | #23
Re: Yep. Another new person.
05/01/10 12:16 pm | #24
Re: Yep. Another new person.
05/01/10 12:17 pm | #25
Re: Yep. Another new person.
05/02/10 4:17 pm | #26
welcome to the forum.
Re: Yep. Another new person.
05/02/10 5:07 pm | #27