Sticky: Xbox America Trade In Center
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Quote by PureEvil x21:
The issue was a game lost in the mail that unfortunately mattd411 had to lose out on. Matt did not have any form of tracking so the post office would not replace the game for Mo. This is where it is best to get the DELIVERY CONFIRMATION and/or INSURANCE. Both are entirely optional, but I recommend at least the Delivery Confirmation. It is like 90 cents.
The situation was that matt then had to give Mo back a 1600 point card. Which matt sent to me, to verify it was a legit code. I then invited Mo into a Group Chat on LIVE where he agreed that I should just use the code, as he wants one that is intact and unscratched to use for trade. I now owe him that code which I will buy tomorrow at Best Buy.
I will add a picture to the thread of the receipt and card. I changed myself to Orange, as Mo still needs this card, and to show that I am even going to change my own status in the thread if issues arise that include myself.
Mo will be on shortly to verify all this. Matt has been told the details as well.
Quote by Unmasked Bandit:
120 GB Hard Drive
AC/DC Live: Rock Band
Alone in the Dark
Madden NFL 06
Madden NFL 08
NCAA Football 08
Rock Band Country Track Pack
Shrek the Third
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest
Two Worlds
Updated to be this list.
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
Quote by MTB Mamba:
USPS DC# 9101785091401831694724
Noted. I have removed both games as this trade is now completed.
I got Skate 3. I picked it up today, though it was at the post office yesterday. Just didn't get a chance to get there. Thanks for the trade.
Quote by futiles:
I got a 360-S, so I cannot use them anymore, but they work fine.
Quote by Ellahjay88:
Condemned 2
Fuzion Frenzy 2
Lost Odyssey
Bully Scholarship Edition
Shrek the THiRD
Viva Pinata
Borderlands Double Add on Pack
Dragon Age
Dragon Age Awakening
*All games are like new with case and manual*
*I have several others just not in my possession at the moment I will add them once I get them

Added. Welcome to the Trade Thread.
Quote by Ellahjay88:
I will finish up Sherlock this week and then we will mail.
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I will finish up Sherlock this week and then we will mail.
Noted, although I don't see why anyone would trade with you.
Quote by Xitl:
Noted. All 3 games have been removed as this trade is now complete.
Quote by mikemnsn:
Added. I knew you couldn't live without buying a 2nd copy of that game.

Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock
Guitar Hero Aerosmith
Please add:
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Are You Smarter Than a 5Th Grader
Big Bumpin (Game Stop case)
Call of Duty 2
The Darkness
Fantastic Four: ROTSS (not original case)
Gears of War 2
Kung Fu Panda (Game Stop case)
Mass Effect
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Quote by Braz:
Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock
Guitar Hero Aerosmith
Please add:
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Are You Smarter Than a 5Th Grader
Big Bumpin (Game Stop case)
Call of Duty 2
The Darkness
Fantastic Four: ROTSS (not original case)
Gears of War 2
Kung Fu Panda (Game Stop case)
Mass Effect
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Removed and Added.
Tracking number is 0310 2010 0001 6947 6031
Quote by MTB Mamba:
Quote by FoShizzleNizzle:
Tracking number is 0310 2010 0001 6947 6031
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