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Sticky: Xbox America Trade In Center
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Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/02/11 5:42 pm | #796
Quote by mattd411:
mo will be trading a points card for my dragon age dlc disc so i'll ship out tomorrow or monday and he is giving me the code
Also got Alan Wake today from Rapture too.
Quote by iSillyXP:
Please remove wanted weapons of fate I donated it
to the waffle thread thanks pure!
Removed, glad you made it to the Waffle Order.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
add fable 3 to my list
Quote by Silentbobsclone:
I'm joining the thread and have Truth or Lies and Fable II up for grabs
Added. Welcome to the Trade Thread.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/02/11 10:36 pm | #797
It has been brought to my attention that Rapture is trying to trade Hacked Silver accounts with massive MSP points on them for people's games. These accounts get deleted if you do not spend the points quickly enough.
Rapture will now be Orange while I investigate and may become Red when it is done.
Hacked accounts are NOT welcome here, and I will not allow them in the trade thread. Trade with him at your own risk.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/03/11 6:45 am | #798
I sent you a message regarding this.
It's not hacked and we were just talking about it, I gave valid proof to what it was anyways so please remove the orange because I'm not trading them to anybody nor have I yet. It was simply a discussion, no trade actually took proof and no trade of that nature is pending. I won't talk about them again.
I shall simply stop talking about, so please remove the orange from me. Like I said, it was just a discussion. I did not trade these to anybody nor is a trade pending, it was simply a discussion so I shall stop. Pretend it didn't happen but I can't blame you for doing your job
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/03/11 7:50 am | #799
Can you please remove Lost Odyssey from my list. Also please add the following:
Star Wars: The Force Unleased II
Fable III
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock (No Instruction Manual)
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/03/11 2:40 pm | #800
Received Mafia ll from Mattd411
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/03/11 5:18 pm | #801
Quote by Rapture:
I sent you a message regarding this.
It's not hacked and we were just talking about it, I gave valid proof to what it was anyways so please remove the orange because I'm not trading them to anybody nor have I yet. It was simply a discussion, no trade actually took proof and no trade of that nature is pending. I won't talk about them again.
I shall simply stop talking about, so please remove the orange from me. Like I said, it was just a discussion. I did not trade these to anybody nor is a trade pending, it was simply a discussion so I shall stop. Pretend it didn't happen but I can't blame you for doing your job

Still looking into it, you will be notified when it is finished.
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
Can you please remove Lost Odyssey from my list. Also please add the following:
Star Wars: The Force Unleased II
Fable III
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock (No Instruction Manual)
Removed and Added.
Quote by Rapture:
Received Mafia ll from Mattd411
Noted, both games removed as trade is complete.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/03/11 5:27 pm | #802
Even though you won't find anything because no trade of that nature ever occured. However, I shall patiently wait while people now think that I'm a ripper...
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/03/11 10:19 pm | #803
Quote by Rapture:
Even though you won't find anything because no trade of that nature ever occured. However, I shall patiently wait while people now think that I'm a ripper...
It is not that there was no proof at all of the issue at hand, it is that the issue was stopped before the trades could occur. Being as it was stopped prior to a trade happening, the following has been decided:
Rapture is being returned to Blue status with a Moderators guidance.
I am not allowing Rapture to trade points at all anymore unless the code for the points goes through me, with the approval of the other member in the trade. This way, I can be sure it is an actual code being traded.
Also, the rules of the thread have been updated to include the trading of points and how it is to be handled, also with the help of a Mod. This update is in the Indigo section of the 3rd post, with UPDATE 01/03/11 in front of it.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/03/11 10:35 pm | #804
Understandable, please leave the 1600 point card on my list though because it's from Walmart.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/04/11 3:54 am | #805
I will be trading my Condemned: Criminal Origins to Xitl for his MLB 2K6 & NBA Live 07.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/04/11 4:13 am | #806
Meh, better remove my games from the list. I traded them in at Christmas time
Please Add Me
01/04/11 1:40 pm | #807
Please add me to the trading list I have Civilization: Revolution and Borderlands: GOTY (code cards used) for trade.
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/04/11 5:03 pm | #808
Quote by Rapture:
Understandable, please leave the 1600 point card on my list though because it's from Walmart.
You can cover that when you discuss you trade with people, your link in post #3 states that points traded have to go through me, so that should give them the hint that you may want to trade points.
Quote by Dvader83:
I will be trading my Condemned: Criminal Origins to Xitl for his MLB 2K6 & NBA Live 07.
Noted. Since you are both Black, I would recommend shipping at the same time, and even though not required, I always use Tracking #'s, as they are only 80 cents.
Quote by Minioger:
Meh, better remove my games from the list. I traded them in at Christmas time

Removed. You now have "Nothing at this time."
Quote by Thracos:
Please add me to the trading list I have Civilization: Revolution and Borderlands: GOTY (code cards used) for trade.
Welcome to the Trade Thread. Make sure you fully read the rules of the thread in Post #3, and understand them.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/04/11 5:20 pm | #809
Could please add Prison Break The Conspiracy.
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
01/04/11 5:26 pm | #810
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Could please add Prison Break The Conspiracy.
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