I run vista on my laptop (dell inspiron) , and I bridged connections to use an Ethernet cord to my 360. this has worked fine up until a week ago. I'll have to delete and re bridge the connection multiple times just to get my computer and 350 online. I have to constantly diagnose to repair it, and takes upwards of an hour just to get my laptop and 360 online, which is ridiculous. Now today I can barely stay connected for 20 minutes without my internet switching to limited connectivity and me having to diagnose to fix it. it's really frustrating to be online and then dropped and have to figure out how to repair it for 25 minutes.
I tried to power option that the microsoft site says is the solution, and no luck. I even switched from a bridged connection to Internet connection sharing, and no real help to it being dropped. I turned my internet protocol version 4 + 6 to automatic settings, and nothing is working. some help would be great lol.