Archived: will Mechanize be worth the hype?
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will Mechanize be worth the hype?
02/05/10 7:05 pm | #1
Fear Factory's newest album Mechanize is due for release tesday, so, tell me, will it be a comeback album, or will it be catagorized as Divine Heresy's 3rd album?(by that i mean will it suck) ive already heard it, and im not impressed. it has two members from strapping young lad in it, gene hoglan and the ever present byron stroud. and dino is back. good thing? no. without herrera and wolbers, this, IS NOT, fear factory. it is, in fact divine heresy, with bell on vocals.
Re: Re: will Mechanize be worth the hype?
02/05/10 7:08 pm | #3
Quote by Mudkip:
Dude what's with you starting these threads....granted I at least give it to you that this topic may go somewhere....still 3 threads (one duplicate) in like 10 minutes is a little ridiculous.
Re: Re: will Mechanize be worth the hype?
02/05/10 7:16 pm | #4
Quote by Mudkip:
Dude what's with you starting these threads....granted I at least give it to you that this topic may go somewhere....still 3 threads (one duplicate) in like 10 minutes is a little ridiculous.
sry. lol. i eveyone gets bored.
Re: will Mechanize be worth the hype?
02/05/10 8:52 pm | #5
Man that is a hell of a lineup. I actually think it's great that Dino is back in FF. Hoglan is 10x the drummer Ray was, so hearing the FF-style precision staccato riffs played at almost twice usual speed on this album is pretty cool. The really terrible thing is that they still have fucking Burton on vocals, to me he has always been the weak link in Fear Factory.
In my opinion, they should get Christian back on bass or as a second guitarist and since Hoglan has 15 other obligations just get Ray to learn this material. Keep Dino as primary guitarist and songwriter, and for the love of god get a new vocalist. THEN Fear Factory would be a respectable band again.
Burton just can't nail down the right mix of growls during the hard & heavy parts of the music and then the notes and pitches of the clean section. Those parts don't sound epic, they don't sound emotional, they just sound flat and like they are tacked on to make the music more appealing to the mallcore crowds that have to have BS "clean sections" in their "metal". There are so many bands out there that get it right when mixing clean vocals and epic passages with heavy music, like Nevermore and Killswitch.
On this album and Archetype, they are doing a good job of tightening up the hard & heavy parts, I think they need to maintain that focus and replace the soft sections/clean vocals with more of the industrial elements they used on Demanufacture and Obsolete. This would help them appeal to the modern metal crowd who they apparently want a slice of now, as well as re-establishing their distinct sound.
In my opinion, they should get Christian back on bass or as a second guitarist and since Hoglan has 15 other obligations just get Ray to learn this material. Keep Dino as primary guitarist and songwriter, and for the love of god get a new vocalist. THEN Fear Factory would be a respectable band again.
Burton just can't nail down the right mix of growls during the hard & heavy parts of the music and then the notes and pitches of the clean section. Those parts don't sound epic, they don't sound emotional, they just sound flat and like they are tacked on to make the music more appealing to the mallcore crowds that have to have BS "clean sections" in their "metal". There are so many bands out there that get it right when mixing clean vocals and epic passages with heavy music, like Nevermore and Killswitch.
On this album and Archetype, they are doing a good job of tightening up the hard & heavy parts, I think they need to maintain that focus and replace the soft sections/clean vocals with more of the industrial elements they used on Demanufacture and Obsolete. This would help them appeal to the modern metal crowd who they apparently want a slice of now, as well as re-establishing their distinct sound.
Re: will Mechanize be worth the hype?
02/05/10 9:36 pm | #6
This used to be my favorite band, everything they have released since Obsolete has been shit.
Re: Re: will Mechanize be worth the hype?
02/06/10 12:58 am | #7
meta, in the most respectful way, go suck a dick and die. burton has REVOLUTIONIZED metal. fuck howard of killswitch(but not jesse, the BETTER singer) fuck nevermore. this lineup IS FUCKING NOT FEAR. it is a retarded kitten. hoglan cannot hold a candlelight to herrera. dont get me wrong, he is a kickass drummer, but his element is SYL. not fear. anyone who wants to diss burton needs to go kill themselves with a dildo. >

Re: will Mechanize be worth the hype?
02/06/10 1:49 am | #8
Hey, I do agree that this lineup isn't FF, that's why I said they should just get Ray to do this material and get Christian back, I think them plus Burton and consulting Rhys in the studio is what produced the strongest Fear Factory material.
I can understand your not wanting Dino in there anymore, I think in some ways when Christian took over as main guitarist for the group and Dino did DH, it rounded out FF's sound nicely and added some new technical elements without sounding gimmicky. Did you like Christian's guitar work better than Dino's or do you just think Dino should keep the DH influence away from FF but still play for them?
As far as Burton... that's really just my personal preferences in not liking him. He is talented, both in his writing and his performance, and I absolutely love the concepts he comes up with for FF. I guess my main issue is that FF has always floated just below the mainstream radar but far above the underground. Parts of their sound seem to be going for a faster, heavier and more brutal feel with more technicality, but then other parts, mainly the vocal work and additional effects, are heading more towards being crowd-pleasing in their lack of extremity.
This isn't necessarily bad, again it's just my personal preference. I think the best move for FF at this point would be to either lock in as a heavy, technical metal act, or else return to their mid-era roots and play up the industrial elements that set them apart and managed to influence so many other bands. The third option is continuing to blend their disparate elements and tying it together with Burton's contributions, which are definitely on a fence, but this results in material like Digimortal and Transgression which are, in my opinion, their most mediocre and uninspired releases.
So that's that--we can agree to disagree on what Burton brings to the band but we can agree on the fact that he does bring a lot to the band and that the current FF lineup is a weird mashup of artists that belong with other bands, a "retarded kitten" as you said.
I can understand you not liking Howard from Killswitch on matter of preference, same for Nevermore. I actually don't like either of those bands, I was just pointing out that I feel they do a better job accomplishing the type of sound FF may have been going for with Archetype, and just overall mixing the hard & heavy stuff with cleaner epic moments.
What I'm about to say here is purely based on what the two blokes have recorded in a studio and played live, I have no idea how "good" they are when putting on a drum clinic or really trying to improvise and impress.
Purely based on what they have recorded and played live, Ray H. is good at staying in time on the hi-hat and snare, and can play doubles on the kicks really well. That's all. The end. He didn't even start using the rest of his drum kit until Archetype, but accented cymbal strikes, tom rolls and polymetric rhythms are still very sparse there. The only very interesting stuff he's done was with Brujeria.
Gene Hoglan, on the other hand, is up there in the ranks of extreme metal drummers like Flo, Derek Roddy, Tomas Haake, Hellhammer, Frost, Nick Barker, Warhead, Tony L, and George Kollias. He has played with Death, Old Man's Child, Testament, Zimmers Hole, and tons of others, including SYL as you know. Gene regularly plays extended kick doubles that are faster than Ray's triplet bursts, and Gene can do single stroke blast beats at 220bpm+ and gravity blasts just under 300bpm. He also actually plays patterns and grooves with the entire kit rather than just counting 2's and 4's with the snare.
I don't know where you get off saying Hoglan can't hold a candle to Herrera but you are hilariously mistaken, my foul-mouthed friend.
I can understand your not wanting Dino in there anymore, I think in some ways when Christian took over as main guitarist for the group and Dino did DH, it rounded out FF's sound nicely and added some new technical elements without sounding gimmicky. Did you like Christian's guitar work better than Dino's or do you just think Dino should keep the DH influence away from FF but still play for them?
As far as Burton... that's really just my personal preferences in not liking him. He is talented, both in his writing and his performance, and I absolutely love the concepts he comes up with for FF. I guess my main issue is that FF has always floated just below the mainstream radar but far above the underground. Parts of their sound seem to be going for a faster, heavier and more brutal feel with more technicality, but then other parts, mainly the vocal work and additional effects, are heading more towards being crowd-pleasing in their lack of extremity.
This isn't necessarily bad, again it's just my personal preference. I think the best move for FF at this point would be to either lock in as a heavy, technical metal act, or else return to their mid-era roots and play up the industrial elements that set them apart and managed to influence so many other bands. The third option is continuing to blend their disparate elements and tying it together with Burton's contributions, which are definitely on a fence, but this results in material like Digimortal and Transgression which are, in my opinion, their most mediocre and uninspired releases.
So that's that--we can agree to disagree on what Burton brings to the band but we can agree on the fact that he does bring a lot to the band and that the current FF lineup is a weird mashup of artists that belong with other bands, a "retarded kitten" as you said.
I can understand you not liking Howard from Killswitch on matter of preference, same for Nevermore. I actually don't like either of those bands, I was just pointing out that I feel they do a better job accomplishing the type of sound FF may have been going for with Archetype, and just overall mixing the hard & heavy stuff with cleaner epic moments.
What I'm about to say here is purely based on what the two blokes have recorded in a studio and played live, I have no idea how "good" they are when putting on a drum clinic or really trying to improvise and impress.
Purely based on what they have recorded and played live, Ray H. is good at staying in time on the hi-hat and snare, and can play doubles on the kicks really well. That's all. The end. He didn't even start using the rest of his drum kit until Archetype, but accented cymbal strikes, tom rolls and polymetric rhythms are still very sparse there. The only very interesting stuff he's done was with Brujeria.
Gene Hoglan, on the other hand, is up there in the ranks of extreme metal drummers like Flo, Derek Roddy, Tomas Haake, Hellhammer, Frost, Nick Barker, Warhead, Tony L, and George Kollias. He has played with Death, Old Man's Child, Testament, Zimmers Hole, and tons of others, including SYL as you know. Gene regularly plays extended kick doubles that are faster than Ray's triplet bursts, and Gene can do single stroke blast beats at 220bpm+ and gravity blasts just under 300bpm. He also actually plays patterns and grooves with the entire kit rather than just counting 2's and 4's with the snare.
I don't know where you get off saying Hoglan can't hold a candle to Herrera but you are hilariously mistaken, my foul-mouthed friend.
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