Archived: Whats up.
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Whats up.
04/25/11 3:02 pm | #1
Hey guys. New to the site. Looking for people to play COD with. 3.91 k/d ratio 829 nukes and counting. play ground war. If your a booster don't bother or hacker, i stayed first prestige so people no i don't boost or hack.
Re: Whats up.
04/25/11 3:03 pm | #2
Welcome to the site. Sorry I'm not a COD guy myself, but kudos on the prestige and not being a booster or hacker. We don't like those guys

Re: Whats up.
04/25/11 3:42 pm | #4
Welcome to XBA!
Re: Whats up.
04/25/11 3:49 pm | #5
Welcome to XBA
Re: Whats up.
04/25/11 4:12 pm | #6
Hmm. HmmHmm. Sounds like your pretty fresh at CoD. Challenge accepted. Lawl, jk. I barely play CoD anymore. Anyways, welcome to the site.
Re: Whats up.
04/25/11 4:52 pm | #8
Bienvenidos al Sitio!
Re: Whats up.
04/25/11 5:37 pm | #9
Welcome to the site!
Re: Whats up.
04/25/11 5:43 pm | #10
Re: Whats up.
04/25/11 8:26 pm | #11
Hail and welcome to XBA! Stick around a little while, you'll find some good COD people to play with here, they just don't post all the time.
Re: Whats up.
04/26/11 3:36 am | #12
Welcome to XbA. New members FTW.
Re: Whats up.
04/26/11 10:52 am | #13
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