Re: What's the most damage you have done to a person in a fight??
01/15/10 8:50 am | #47
Unfortunately, I've been in lots of fights, mostly one's that I was looking for. While serving in the Marine Corps we would get whiskey drunk and go to redneck bars and pick the biggest baddest hillibillies out to fight.....didn't matter though it was fun. I took my fair share of ass whoopings but dished out enough as well. The funniest fight, if you want to call it that was in my hometown at a local club. I went into the bathroom to urinate and some queer came in and stood right beside me and started checking out my junk. I cautiously warned him to stop because I'm not down with that, I don't care how drunk you are and he refused and started to make comments. So, without another word I zipped up and grabbed the back of his head and smashed it into the ceramic wall, blowing up his nose. I walked out and told my bouncer buddy that some fag was laying in the bathroom all messed up. Later he told me he knew it was me because with him being a former Marine as well, he knew exactly what happened. No charges were ever filed. Just know that a warning shot was made and he refused to acknowledge it so he got dealt with......sorry, don't like sword fighters!!