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Archived: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!

Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!
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I remember hearing some Road Rash rumors too. One of them was that they were making an all new "next gen" Road Rash for 360/PS3, and the other was that they were going to bring one or more of the original games to XBLA/PSN/WiiBS.

I would grab an old Road Rash on Live Arcade if the price was decent, those were fun games. A next gen version would be... interesting if done well.
Re: Re: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!
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Quote by Meta:

I remember hearing some Road Rash rumors too. One of them was that they were making an all new "next gen" Road Rash for 360/PS3, and the other was that they were going to bring one or more of the original games to XBLA/PSN/WiiBS.

I would grab an old Road Rash on Live Arcade if the price was decent, those were fun games. A next gen version would be... interesting if done well.

I'm assuming it's a racing game?
Re: Re: Re: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!
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Quote by Super Hyper X:

I'm assuming it's a racing game?

http://lmgtfy.com/?q=+%22Road+Rash%22+%2Bgame :D

It's a motorcycle game where you get to hit people with stuff while you're racing!
Re: Re: Re: Re: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!
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Quote by Meta:

Quote by Super Hyper X:

I'm assuming it's a racing game?

http://lmgtfy.com/?q=+%22Road+Rash%22+%2Bgame :D

It's a motorcycle game where you get to hit people with stuff while you're racing!


Can I throw hookers? Or can I throw you at the other drivers?
Re: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!
Burnt Waffle
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hahaha, no throwing hookers, at least not in the old one...You can whip people with chains, I believe there were bats and crowbars as well, and it was simple motorcycle racing other than that simplistic fighting. It was an amazing game, and a remake would be great. I started wanting it when I downloaded GTA IV The Lost And The Damned and played the motorcycle races in that....
Re: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!
Burnt Waffle
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The God of War series
Re: Re: Re: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by Mudkip:

Quote by Shock:

let me check the name for it

EDIT:Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier Release: 11/6/09 for PSP/PS2

Hmmm alright I'll have to find this.

i saw it at a target for about ten dollars on either clerance or on some sort of sale but it was like two weeks ago
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Battle Tanx, from N64. I'm serious. I loved that game. They should really bring it to XBLA.
Re: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!
Burnt Waffle
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all the god or war series, legend of zelda, and for F***s sake!!!!!!!!..........Gauntlet Dark Legacy!!!!!!!!!
Re: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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Heavy Rain would have been nice along with Infamous ( poor crappy Prototype, wait I mean [PROTOTYPE] god forbid you get that wrong...lol). I wanna say zelda but that would feel too weird, not in a good way weird. :p

Edit: Although getting Achievements on Zelda would sure be bad ass...:D
Re: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Diddy Kong Racing
Re: Re: What, no 360 version? DARN IT!
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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Silver Waffle
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Quote by Imaking1987:

Heavy Rain would have been nice along with Infamous ( poor crappy Prototype, wait I mean [PROTOTYPE] god forbid you get that wrong...lol). I wanna say zelda but that would feel too weird, not in a good way weird. :p

Edit: Although getting Achievements on Zelda would sure be bad ass...:D

I'm working on it!
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