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Archived: What kind of MW2 Whiner are you?

Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: What kind of MW2 Whiner are you?

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Noob tube whiner..

Jus picture ur on about to have a 10 or 11 killstreak depending on if u use hardline...then someone randomly nube tubes u from across the map.....there goes ur chopper or ac130..all because of a random no skill required bazooka shot in the air..

That always makes me mad.
EVerything is else fine.....people who use double shotties suck anyway so way complain bout them...they are only good close range
Re: What kind of MW2 Whiner are you?
Burnt Waffle
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I complain about the campers but when i get shot by somebody camping i do tend to pull out the noob tube and the problem with them camping is solved. That would be my only complaint about the game so far. Let's not forget the difference with camping (sitting in one spot with a AR, SMG or LMG.) and sniping. If i get hit with a sniper from half way across the map yeah that does piss me off. But then I counter snipe and get them.
Re: What kind of MW2 Whiner are you?
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Camplainer fir sure. I can't stand it!!
Re: What kind of MW2 Whiner are you?
Burnt Waffle
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Is there an "All of the above" category? Thats where I fit in. I whine and cuss and scream everytime I die. LOL!!!

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Re: Re: What kind of MW2 Whiner are you?
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by marveldarkreign:

I agree with you Darth, I get pissed and scream every time I die. But can not stand campers or bazooka users because they have no skill to use real weapons.

Campers do piss me off but I see that as part of the game. Fortunately I have found that there aren't that many places to camp that cannot be accessed by a different route. When I get killed by a camper I go around the other way.

Re: What kind of MW2 Whiner are you?
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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I hate the people who just run around and knife. The people that ONLY use the Model 1887 Akmibo. The Noobtubers that run around with scavenger and shoot randomly. Oh, and I also hate Karachi, my worst map ever.
Re: What kind of MW2 Whiner are you?
Xbox America Friend
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i hate Karachi and Derail....
i hate noob tubers
i hate people who camp that ARENT using a sniper (i snipe quite a bit myself, and when youre a sniper you have a reason to camp. any other weapon, you dont)
i hate the dam ac130
i hate how the javelin will get bored and miss (MUDKIP CAN VOUCH FOR ME! ON THAT DAM PLAYDATE! MY JAVELIN MISSED LIKE 3 FUCKIN TIMES!!! WHAT THE HELL!??!?)
i hate high pitched kids on there (dam playdate..i had like 3 8 year olds...SOFA KING ANNOYING!!! i had to brb and i was gon for like TWO MINUTES i came back and hear kids who remind me of justin bieber goin "HEY SOMEONE STAR TTHE GAME ALREADY! COME ONE! START THE GAME!" and im like "I WILL START IT WHEN I DAMN WELL PLEASE NOW SHUT UP!")
i hate people who think theyre hardass/badass on XBL (again, ill go back to those kids in the above thing. after i said that the kid was like "WHATD YOU SAY TO ME?!" im like "BITCH I DIDNT STUTTER YOU HEARD ME!" and then i proceeded to mute him and own him in every match i had against him. whiny bitch....)
i hate how the javelin has more power then a stinger, but stinger has better accuracy. i hate having to shoot a javelin (which only has 1 shot) and then proceeding to miss and have to kill myself or die to try and take out the stupid aerial vehicle
i hate people who steal my kills
i hate people who steal my kills on air support (like id shooot a javelin at the ac130, itd hit. id be linin up my 2nd shot to shoot it down and some bitch w/ a stinger blows it outta the sky...WTH FUCK YOU! or im linin up to knock out the pavelow and i only need one shot..i shoot the javelin and that bitch w/ the stinger blows it up and my javelin epic fails and misses)
i hate SMG's in the game, TOO MUCH RECOIL D:<
Re: What kind of MW2 Whiner are you?
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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I'm a noob weapon whiner. I hate it when I killed by people with the TAR-21 and UMP45 when they have Stopping Power on.. Grr.. Noob Tar and Noob UMP. LOL :p
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