Closed: Waffle Order 3.0
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Quote by FoShizzleNizzle:
It was a legit question, one I will answer later, too much stuff right now.
I also wanted to mention that Irish Patriot was kind enough to donate Civil War: Secret Missions to the thread. I have it currently and will find a home for it after the holiday is over
Edit: Did anyone get add or remove from waffle list? Waffle list not update for while.
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Edit: Did anyone get add or remove from waffle list? Waffle list not update for while.
Two members are joining. As far as I know the list is up to date with the exception of Grenade's games. I hadn't updated those since I'm working on finding them homes.
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Yeah the 3rd one went real quick with the roadmap at x360a. Didn't even pay attention to it, skipped all scenes, lol.
BOS Scene It to Pureevil: 0309 3220 0001 9130 4773
Quote by Melissa Evol:
...I'm hanging on to King Kong, because I've got 200 stupid points in it. -_-
I feel your pain, I was at that point for a year and a half. Once I bit the bullet and sat down and played it, it wasn't excruciating.
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by AJ:
Ehh, game taste is subjective. And we've already established you have the worst taste in games of anyone on these forums... either that or you just like saying you like games that suck to make yourself sound like a badass.
I'm going with that second part.
Updated the first post with some updates including the two members joining.
I'm working on a lot of stuff for the thread at the moment so if somethings seems wrong shoot me a PM because I'm either in the process of changing it or I messed up.
....and speaking of messing up, I complained to everyone about not sending me Confirmation Number PMs and then realized I had taken out that rule in the thread. My bad. I'm a tool sometimes!
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