Archived: transparent gamercard
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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transparent gamercard
04/12/09 12:28 pm | #1
how must i do, for a transparent background in the gamercard ????
Re: transparent gamercard
04/12/09 1:19 pm | #2
Not sure its possible. But try googling it, maybe you can find something.
Re: transparent gamercard
04/12/09 1:23 pm | #3
IDK how you must do...but in order to do, you must try
how should you try?
fuck if i know, try googling it, lol
how should you try?
fuck if i know, try googling it, lol
Re: transparent gamercard
04/12/09 1:24 pm | #4

Re: transparent gamercard
04/12/09 1:31 pm | #5
i think boobs was trying to figure this out with another member awhile back. i don't remember the outcome, but i remember he tried lots of things to make it work.
Re: Re: transparent gamercard
04/12/09 2:08 pm | #6
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
i think boobs was trying to figure this out with another member awhile back. i don't remember the outcome, but i remember he tried lots of things to make it work.
actually i think he got it to work. idk where the thread is or how he did it but he did get it i think
Re: transparent gamercard
04/12/09 3:39 pm | #7
It turns out I only sort of fixed it. As you made a card it looked transparent, but once you finished it would be opaque.
I just fixed it so it is always transparent. This gamercard of yours is now correctly showing transparency.
Make sure you use a .png image type. Let me know if you need anything else.
I just fixed it so it is always transparent. This gamercard of yours is now correctly showing transparency.
Make sure you use a .png image type. Let me know if you need anything else.
Re: transparent gamercard
04/12/09 5:00 pm | #8
Thank you. I must therefore take png image? it is transparent. I'm sorry for my English. I'm from germany. good homepage. There is a script somewhere to download?
Re: transparent gamercard
04/12/09 5:09 pm | #9
If you make any more transparent gamercards, just make sure that the image filename ends with .png instead of .jpg or .gif. If this card is the only transparent gamercard you need, then you have nothing to worry about.
Re: transparent gamercard
04/12/09 5:12 pm | #10
Thank you for the quick help. I am a long time in search of its own script that creates the Cards. where can you download?
Re: transparent gamercard
04/12/09 6:58 pm | #11
Wow, I was not aware we had that tool.
Re: Re: transparent gamercard
04/12/09 10:01 pm | #12
Quote by SendoX:
Thank you for the quick help. I am a long time in search of its own script that creates the Cards. where can you download?
Sorry, the code behind the tool is not publicly shared.
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