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Closed: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
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The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
09/09/10 3:02 pm | #1
Well everyone, it's been a while since the last screenshot challenge so I figured I would run the next one. Thanks to Anthony (PureEvil), Brie, Nick, and Ermac, who all did excellent jobs in their rounds. I will stump people (hopefully)!
I'm posting this early to give everyone a heads up about the first challenge, if enough people have seen the thread by around 8-10pm central time then I will put up the first screenshot tonight!
Quote by ErmacVersion1:
(ALL CREDIT FOR THIS THREAD GAME IDEA GOES TO THEDAMNDEST FROM TPWW.NET!). The rules are simple, I'll post a screenshot from a movie, and you have to figure it out. Answers will only be accepted in the form of a PM to me. (V5 will be AJ) First person to correctly score 22 correct answers will win. So, with that I'll leave the first page up and update participants and scores daily. Remember, answers must be pmed to me for points to count. Talking in this thread is allowed, but if an answer is given out in the thread, the round will be null and void for all and a new picture will be posted immediately.
1st Place winner will receive an awesome prize which consists of a game and perhaps something else humorous.
Basic rules are the same as before. One response per person per challenge, and 1 point goes to each person who gets the challenge right. I will put up photos in the 8-10pm central time range. First to 22 wins! GOOD LUCK and have fun!
Points and answers to challenges will be posted when the next challenge is posted
Participants' points for correct answers will be tracked below
Nate - 1
Pure Evil - 8
J Sulli - 1
Braz - 12
Durtie - 10
Kait - 5
Brie - 0
Meta - 4.5
IRiSH - 12
Ermac - 5
KingKoracin - 6
BoyzRFlatt - 0
Repo Man - 10
Minioger - 4
Superman - 2
Aidan - 6
Mikey - 9
Revelation - 22
King Mike - 4
Dvader - 3
milk helmets - 5
Silentbobsclone - 5
FoShizzleNizzle - 6
Silver Sluggr - 6
Bubbles - 5
Katard - 1
Mudkip - 1
Bonedaddy - 1
DJ Manners - 3
Kidd - 5
EnemyBrit - 3
Congrats Revelation!!! YOU WIN!
Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
09/09/10 3:09 pm | #3
Yea, I've been thinking about doing this for a while now, so better late than never!]
Also, could I get a sticky please?!?! Thanks!
Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
09/09/10 3:29 pm | #4
Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
09/09/10 3:30 pm | #5
I will have to return to XBA to follow this thread. Win
Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
09/09/10 3:56 pm | #7
I guess i'm in too, but don't be surprised if you see me stuck at the bottom of the list.
Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
09/09/10 4:01 pm | #8
I'm in!
I hope Miniogre and Repo Man give us a head start on this one!
Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
09/09/10 4:04 pm | #10
Bout fuckin time too! I was seriously considering running one but just kept putting it off. Thanks AJ. I'll have more fun guessing what movies they are anyway.
Yeah, no shenanigans Mini and Repo!!
Re: Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
09/09/10 4:43 pm | #11
Quote by IRiSH:
Bout fuckin time too! I was seriously considering running one but just kept putting it off. Thanks AJ. I'll have more fun guessing what movies they are anyway.
Yeah, no shenanigans Mini and Repo!!
Don't worry, they'll start at -5
Re: Re: Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
09/09/10 4:51 pm | #12
Quote by AJ:
Quote by IRiSH:
Bout fuckin time too! I was seriously considering running one but just kept putting it off. Thanks AJ. I'll have more fun guessing what movies they are anyway.
Yeah, no shenanigans Mini and Repo!!
Don't worry, they'll start at -5

Dick. I should unstick the thread that I just stuck.
Lol. I thought about running one myself just so people wouldn't whine about the win
All I'm going to say is make sure they're movies I haven't seen otherwise its over
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
09/09/10 4:53 pm | #13
Quote by Minioger:
All I'm going to say is make sure they're movies I haven't seen otherwise its over

Re: Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V5
09/09/10 4:56 pm | #15
Quote by ErmacVersion1:
Maybe we could institute a ruling where previous winners can't win, but they are still allowed to play?
lol id be down with that
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