Archived: The bane of my existence... Endure
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Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/22/10 1:29 am | #16
Maybe ur guys should get outta the back aisles of walmart and dollar general with the trash connections
Re: Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/22/10 5:55 pm | #17
Quote by Circus:
Maybe ur guys should get outta the back aisles of walmart and dollar general with the trash connections
Hehe, been there, done that. sorta. All night party in Walmart playing Guitar Hero 3 with a friend. I ran over to the magazine section and "borrowed" a cheat guide to get everything. We had a great time.
Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/22/10 8:24 pm | #19
I think the bane of my existence are cherry pits.. You just want to shove a bunch of them in your mouth at once (that's what your mom said atleast), and then chew.. But nooooo! They have to have stupid pits which hurt like an assbutt to the face ( ) when you chew on them....
I think I have the wrong thread...
I think I have the wrong thread...
Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/22/10 10:11 pm | #20
That achivement sucked getting. We would get to the last waive and someones internet connection would shit out. I wasn't a big fan of the firefight mode on ODST. But I do love some Halo and love achievements more, so I had to nail it.
Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/26/10 11:47 am | #21
hey ill help. im in the 975/1000 boat on this game too. this is the only one i need to get the "holy all powerful" recon armor.
heres a link to my halo stats if you want to check up on my "decent" stats:
heres a link to my halo stats if you want to check up on my "decent" stats:
Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/29/10 11:48 am | #22
Well somehow, on a whim thanks to AKER86, I got 3 other people together last night and achieved greatness by finally getting Endure. I haz recon! Thanks to those that wanted to help, also to the naysayers that pushed me to get it even more. A big grunt birthday party hooray to AKER86 and Paranoid Sarge for being a part of the winning team!
Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/29/10 1:35 pm | #23
Sounds like life fullfilled
Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/29/10 2:08 pm | #24
I hate to say it but getting Endure for me wasn't really that bad. Everyone worked together and it took a few hours but it was only one run-through. Now Annual for Halo 3, that one was a bear!
Re: Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/30/10 9:22 am | #25
Quote by Circus:
Sounds like life fullfilled
It was, especially since I also got Everything better with bacon in Halo Wars for 100% completion!
Re: Re: Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/30/10 10:02 am | #26
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
Quote by Circus:
Sounds like life fullfilled
It was, especially since I also got Everything better with bacon in Halo Wars for 100% completion!
Now he's available to help everyone else get them. As he won't need them.
Re: Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/30/10 10:58 am | #27
Quote by sourdaddyjones:
I hate to say it but getting Endure for me wasn't really that bad. Everyone worked together and it took a few hours but it was only one run-through. Now Annual for Halo 3, that one was a bear!
altho annual was a bitch, i found it a LOT easier then doing endure, or even deja vu! ive done deja vu twice and i hated it both times, especially when youre playing and have 1 or 2 guys who suck at the game. ive done endure attempts many a times, i tihnk 4 times, never got past 2nd set. my final endure took me 4 hours w/ 1.4million points on lost platoon xD it was so hellacious but i got it and now my friend (who i did deja vu w/ the 2nd time) tells me and aldemar to help him do endure and we refuse because its such a bitch. now annual isnt so bad, as long as you know where the ghosts are and how to maneuver the cliffs. and id consider doin it if i had the h3 campaign (i just have the odst h3 mp disc) but endure? i refuse to ever do that again xD i got my recon and im happy
in terms of difficulty for me, i say the hardest 4 annuals are
>Deja Vu
>Classic (its not that its too hard, you just gotta run like a mofo)
Re: Re: Re: Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/30/10 12:36 pm | #28
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
It was, especially since I also got Everything better with bacon in Halo Wars for 100% completion!
Now he's available to help everyone else get them. As he won't need them.
I am available for all of them, when I am not working, but still working on Halo Wars...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/30/10 12:44 pm | #29
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Now he's available to help everyone else get them. As he won't need them.
I am available for all of them, when I am not working, but still working on Halo Wars...
By everybody else, I really meant me.....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The bane of my existence... Endure
07/31/10 10:08 am | #30
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
I am available for all of them, when I am not working, but still working on Halo Wars...
By everybody else, I really meant me.....
I think we can work something out, but I need you for Gears 2!