Welcome to week 1 of the summer tournament series! The game is Halo 3, the date is August 4th, and the time is 9 pm edt.
If your status is CONFIRMED at http://xboxamerica.com/social/events/summer-tournament-week-1-halo-3 by 8 pm on 8/4, you'll be invited into a party chat between 8:30 and 8:45 pm edt. People who do not accept the invitation within 10 minutes will be considered no shows, and will not be reinvited unless they request it. If your status is MAYBE, you will be invited as long as you're online. At 8:50, there will be a practice round, to let everyone warm up on the map, and then the matches will begin.
There are going to be 3- 10 minute matches of slayer (FFA) with no kill limit. The map will be a secret until the parties are ready to start :trollface: but I can say it will just be a standard map off the disk.

I hope everyone signs up and has fun! This event is open to all members- new, old and staff! Staff are also eligible to win the prizes (other than myself) so don't turn your back on them! Depending on how many players we get, and how many staff members will be able to help, we may need people to host. If you're willing to host a party let me know. I just ask that you have a camera or phone that you can email pics from, and take a picture of the score after every match. At the end of the evening, email me the pictures, so I can do a number count and post the results! The winner will receive their code via pm on Sunday. By the way, non-staff hosts will receive 2 points added to their point total!
I think I've covered everything, so let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see all of you next weekend!!!!