Shrek Forever After, Returns you to the world of Far Far Away, BUT WAIT! Something is entirely wrong here! Everything is in shambles and no one seems to remember, Shrek! Is it his Orgerish Smell? His Growling Smile, or is it his Bad Attitude!? None of the Above! It is because of the contract he signed with Rumpelstiltskin, and now he is but of a shadow to his close friends, including his Love, Fiona! Oh What Will Shrek Do!?

You begin your trip in the lovely swamp, only to find things a mess, and nothing like it was before. You look over your contract with Donkey whom has befriended you out of the kindness of his hooves, and find out that You need Loves True Kiss to break the Contract! Thus begins your journey!
This game, is worlds apart from the Past Title, "Shrek the Third." This one is actually fun, and has 4 player Co-Op Offline Play which allows you to play with your Friends and/or Family! The game looks great for what it is, and everything plays very well! You are greeted with CG Videos in between levels, featuring Rumpelstiltskin and his goons, in some very comedic scenes! Now that doesn't mean the game doesn't have its faults. It is short (which isn't a complaint for most) and some of the voice overs are just plain...plain!
The game features songs from the movie, which really brightens up the games mood when in battle sequences and so on. You almost find yourself singing these songs (Im walking on sunshine...WHOAAAA! And Man it feels good!) and getting into a rhythm as you are kicking some butt! Like I said earlier, the voice overs (especially Donkeys) just seem thrown in there and not done well. All in all, everything seems in line with the Shrek name, and is done well.

Control wise, the game is very simple to get a hold of and play. I mean it is simple and great! There is only one mission where you control a boat that can be a kick in the leg, but it is not too bad.
Replayability is a big high note here. If you have friends/family to play this game with, it can really get the job done. I mean who can say this nowadays about a movie based family rated game nowadays? This game is fun! Now if your just playing to complete it, you will end up doing 2 playthroughs, one complete and one mop up. Although the game is short and sweet and really easy!
Achievement wise, this game is a waffle! It can be completed in just about 6 hours, and the time flies by because your probably having fun with it. You have Story based achieves, puzzle based achieves in co-op (just press start on other control and complete puzzle to achieve), some special move based achieves, and some collectible achieves which are not hard (dont even need a guide!) It is a pretty balanced list and very easy to attain!
All in all, I had a lot of fun with this title, and was impressed with the improvement over its predecessor. I think you will be too!
I rate this the following
Graphics: 7.0
Sound: 8.0
Controls: 9.0
Replayability: 8.0
Achievements: 8.0
Overall: 8.0
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