Quote by Melissa Evol:
Why would I start a different thread when the purpose of this thread is improving the search function, and that was what my suggestion would do? A lot of the problem with the search function is people thinking "Oh, my idea's a LITTLE different" and starting a new thread- then no one can find anything when they're looking. Do you have a clue how many users use youtube? Do you have a clue how many users use XBA?? It's not anywhere near the same. The problems wouldn't be transferred. Your idea won't work. Sorry, but it's true. According to your original post, your problem with the search engine for the site comes from your own ignorance, not a fault of the site. You were searching for Boyz thread and didn't get anything? It means you didn't search the right words. Search "search bar" and you get: Yeah- so you were looking for a thread about the search bar and didn't search the WORDS search bar???? How would searching the site by forum have helped you? If I want to find out about Dante's Inferno, can I search the words "Chocolate Pudding" and get the results I'm looking for as long as I'm looking in the "xbox 360 games" forum?
First, ouchie

. Second Just read my first post cuz i dont wanna repeat myself, but i wasn't searching for search bar- which you address in your nxt quote.
Quote by Melissa Evol:
You searched for "quote misplacement" and came up with a bunch of threads with the word quote in it, but nothing with the exact wording you were looking for- and you think the solution would be to be able to search by forum? Because searching "quote misplacement" in the suggestion forum would help you find a thread that HASN'T BEEN MADE? You got every thread that had the word quote in the title. If none of them were what you were looking for then either A) that thread hadn't been made or B) it had been made with a title like "here's a problem" or "trouble" or "Jackson, help." and searching through individual forums won't help you there. People don't always title things exactly what the thread is about. They don't always stay on topic in threads, and they don't always put the thread in the right forum. There are like- 50 frequent posters here, a handful of whom can pull up a given thread strictly from memory in about 3 minutes. We certainly don't need a thread for every thought that pops into every single one of their heads. Building on threads, then the ability to tag would be enough.
Third I'm still kinda new so me no know where thing is are

. Fourth i was doing this not only for me but for the other poster( especially new ppl).