Finally! Only a handful of days left till the release of RB3. I cant wait! Especially since I just lost my RB2 band save file including my created characters and tour progress. I downloaded an update on Tuesday and then got an error message before the main menu loaded saying it couldn't load my save file because it was made with an earlier version of the game. I was still using the band I started with two years ago and had around 8 created characters and had accumulated almost half a billion fans. I would have been super pissed if RB3 weren't a week away and if they had a way to export your characters which I'm pretty sure they don't.
I have over 450 dlc including most of the RB1 setlist. I deleted a few songs like Freezepop and Maps to name a couple. I would've kept the Lego RB setlist too if they had done it the way they did the export for RB1 or had I known they added a feature to RB3 to block certain songs from popping up in random setlists. I let my brother use that code cause all he ever plays are these guitar games. I didn't get the Green Day game cause I've never been a fan of them and you all know how I dislike the GH games so this has been my most anticipated music game since the Beatles game last year. Hit me up if any of you wanna jam online and get some of the MP cheevos.