Archived: R.I.P 360
Posted Under: Gaming
R.I.P 360
02/19/10 7:09 pm | #1
My 360 has Finally got the RRoD after 5yrs. Just bout bioshock 2 was about to put it in and play then BAM RRoD!!!!!! FUCK
Re: R.I.P 360
02/19/10 7:12 pm | #3
That suck dude.
Re: R.I.P 360
02/19/10 7:49 pm | #7
i am bad with time. lol well had it ince i graduated. in o0. not making sense camt think srtaight lol
no wai its 2010 they launched in dec 05. so 5yrs
no wai its 2010 they launched in dec 05. so 5yrs
Re: R.I.P 360
02/19/10 7:52 pm | #8
That Sucks my first 360 I got it for christmas 2 years ago and the next day it had the rrod so i know how it feels, sorry man
Re: R.I.P 360
02/19/10 8:00 pm | #9
sorry to hear that. it lasted a good 5 years though. oh well, time to upgrade

Re: R.I.P 360
02/19/10 8:06 pm | #10
Maybe get an Elite Now. i hope
Re: R.I.P 360
02/19/10 8:13 pm | #11
^btw, i dunno if you intentionally did that or not but you misspelled "space" in your achievement sig <_<
Re: R.I.P 360
02/19/10 9:01 pm | #12
He spelled it right, Dead Sace is this really trendy new clothes boutique that opened. During the premiere Lady GaGa accidentally pissed herself but everybody thought it was part of the show so now the big thing is to go there and pee in your pants while waiting in the check out line.
I tried to do it but I accidentally brown-bagged and apparently that isn't cool at all so they made me leave, I didn't even get to keep the sequined dress I bought.
I tried to do it but I accidentally brown-bagged and apparently that isn't cool at all so they made me leave, I didn't even get to keep the sequined dress I bought.
Re: Re: R.I.P 360
02/19/10 9:24 pm | #14
Quote by Meta:
He spelled it right, Dead Sace is this really trendy new clothes boutique that opened. During the premiere Lady GaGa accidentally pissed herself but everybody thought it was part of the show so now the big thing is to go there and pee in your pants while waiting in the check out line.
I tried to do it but I accidentally brown-bagged and apparently that isn't cool at all so they made me leave, I didn't even get to keep the sequined dress I bought.
I tried to do it but I accidentally brown-bagged and apparently that isn't cool at all so they made me leave, I didn't even get to keep the sequined dress I bought.
my goodness...... -_-'
Re: R.I.P 360
02/19/10 9:56 pm | #15
@Ms Evol. lol ok i told i am bad with time/numbers
@iKhaotic does it look better now?
@iKhaotic does it look better now?