Archived: Regarding Re:'s
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
Re: Regarding Re:'s
04/21/10 1:49 am | #16
how is playin on the internet while im at work a fail? i get to chill all nite and watch tv and movies and eat and whatever else i feel like doing while getting paid, that = WIN
Re: Re: Regarding Re:'s
04/21/10 1:55 am | #18
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by AJ:
Yay, brainstormer award for me!!!
I also really like Krueger's idea, I'm going to fill in those slots now!

It also seems like this idea got AJ's brainstormer award, lol. Looks like father time is getting a bad memory. Are you celebrating 421?
I know I suggested it before, but I still don't like them.
Re: Regarding Re:'s
04/21/10 2:30 am | #19
Quote by AJ:

what'r you two doing? Cybering?
Re: Re: Regarding Re:'s
04/21/10 3:04 am | #21
Quote by A Silent Circus:
how is playin on the internet while im at work a fail? i get to chill all nite and watch tv and movies and eat and whatever else i feel like doing while getting paid, that = WIN
I also don't understand how that's a fail. I am at work right now and I am on the computer. Some of us have a little free time that we can use to play on the internet. Just because you are jealous doesn't make it a fail on our part. Not all people have jobs where there boss acts like the police. Especially if you are a boss like I am. As long as people can still get their work done while goofing off on the internet, I don't give a shit what they do.
Re: Regarding Re:'s
04/21/10 3:06 am | #22
lol i kno right, i have the easiest job ever and it lets me get other shit done when i need to plus i can catch up on old tv shows, watch movies, and browse on here haha. and no we werent cybering we were discussin a game swap

Re: Regarding Re:'s
04/21/10 3:25 am | #23
This problem is... re:tarded.

Re: Regarding Re:'s
04/21/10 7:24 am | #24
I don't think this is a good idea, I mean how hard is it to click dismiss?...But on the other hand I've never had to dismiss that many notifications, I'm lucky if I get a few every few weeks lol.