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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/10/10 6:44 am | #1471
Quote by Durtie:
I am wired as fuck! I haven't had a Coke in a month! Only water, not even tea. So I decided to drink me a can coke and that shit just made me wired. I'm off to play Madden 10.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/10/10 12:26 pm | #1472
I definitely shouldn't be skipping class today... but blackops is so sexyy.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/10/10 8:39 pm | #1473
Random thoughts - Why is it that when you hit 40 - or soon afterward - many physical changes take place? Why do I have to be lactose intolerant, suddenly??
Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/10 12:20 pm | #1474
Just got a call from my old boss...
looks like I work at Gamestop again.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/13/10 8:45 am | #1475
ChaCha is a pretty cool thing to txt...theyre kinda like KGB, except for theyre free. you just ask em questions and theyll have one of their people respond to it. i like using them to get some new/non-popular/known music. pretty chool people id say.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/13/10 9:10 pm | #1477
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Taco:
ChaCha is a pretty cool thing to txt...theyre kinda like KGB, except for theyre free. you just ask em questions and theyll have one of their people respond to it. i like using them to get some new/non-popular/known music. pretty chool people id say.
I worked for ChaCha few years ago... I think it was 2005 or 2006 when they were starting up. It wasn't as fun as I thought it would be.
lol well its possible it might be more fun now. tho honestly, i imagine the part-time workers as people who just sit on their computer all day, w/ one google tab permanently opened, and just do whatever on the internet, and then when they have to answer a question go to google...but idk.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/14/10 12:51 am | #1478
Walter Jones was a really good player on the Seahawks. I remembered when he retired, I got really mad because he was so good. In 13 seasons, he allowed 23 sacks, and was called for 9 penalties
Re: Random Thoughts
11/17/10 9:43 am | #1479
I wish I could focus on my schoolwork as much as I do... Black Ops.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/17/10 9:56 am | #1481
Quote by Ellahjay88:
Quote by Detroit War:
I wish I could focus on my schoolwork as much as I do... Black Ops.

lol yeahhhh that'd be nice sometimes...same for work sometimes as well. my sisters bf called into work to play fallout new vegas the day it came out lol
I start work again on thursday
(I shoulda declined the job so I could focus on school... but I just like making money... even if it is a little bit). When Black Ops came out I skipped my class the Wednesday after.... its still biting me in the ass. There was one paper due, and another assigned. Both of which I am working on right now.... 5 hours before I have to leave.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/17/10 11:48 am | #1483
Quote by Ellahjay88:
yikes thats not good....cant blame ya for taking the job haha thats what happens. jobs are harder to get atm so least you found you one! gl on the papers too...oh the sacrifices gamers make...
(Finished my papers WOOT!)
Oh yeah... I played the shit out of it from midnight Tuesday, all the way to Friday night. Not stop Black Ops.
But yeah, the job was lucky. I used to work at Gamestop from October 2008 till January 2010. One of my old bosses called me a few days as a seasonal worker. So most likely I will ony be there till the end of January. Which is fine with me... I'll just save me money up.
And OMG yes... we make insane sacrifices LOL. Either that or we just jam our schedules and cut super close to deadlines.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/17/10 6:24 pm | #1484
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Crustyhippy:
PUDDING!!!! That's like the best food EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jell-O Brand pudding tastes better when the chocolate and vanilla are all stirred together.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/17/10 6:27 pm | #1485
I need to stop skipping classes. But video games are so much more fun and entertaining.
My birthday party is this weekend and I am gonna get so smashed.
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