Random Thoughts
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funny GIF I made!
That's Pau Gasol and Rafael Nadal.
From a foreign commercial
new dashboard sucks
I feel a large urge to have orange yogurt
No Leaf Clover by Metallica is one of the best songs ever
<div><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><TR VALIGN="MIDDLE"><TD style="background-image: url(http://beemp3.com/player/corner-topleft2.gif);background-repeat: repeat;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;vertical-align: bottom;"></td><TD style="background-image: url(http://beemp3.com/player/bkgnd-top2.gif);background-repeat: repeat;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;vertical-align: middle;"> Metallica - No Leaf Clover .mp3</td><TD style="background-image: url(http://beemp3.com/player/corner-topright2.gif);background-repeat: repeat;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;vertical-align: bottom;"></td></TR><TR VALIGN="MIDDLE"><TD WIDTH="16" style="width: 16px;background-image:url(http://beemp3.com/player/left-ltrow2.gif);"/> </TD><TD style="background-image: url(http://beemp3.com/player/light2.gif);background-repeat: repeat;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 11px;vertical-align: bottom;"><embed class="beeplayer" wmode="transparent" style="height:24px;width:290px;" src="http://beemp3.com/player/player.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="290" height="24" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="playerID=1&bg=0xCDDFF3&leftbg=0x357DCE&lefticon=0xF2F2F2&rightbg=0x64F051&rightbghover=0x1BAD07&righticon=0xF2F2F2&righticonhover=0xFFFFFF&text=0x357DCE&slider=0x357DCE&track=0xFFFFFF&border=0xFFFFFF&loader=0xAF2910&soundFile=http%3A//alekkoh.moskva.com/data/uf/9980163/18/66/12/18661200_08_-_No_Leaf_Clover.mp3%0A%0A"></embed> <img style="padding:0;border:0;vertical-align:bottom" src="http://beemp3.com/player/logo_small.gif"/> </td><TD WIDTH="16" style="width: 16px;background-image:url(http://beemp3.com/player/right-ltrow2.gif);"/></TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="16"><IMG style="padding:0;border:0;" SRC="http://beemp3.com/player/corner-bottomleft2.gif"></TD><TD style="background-image: url(http://beemp3.com/player/bkgnd-bottom2.gif);background-repeat: repeat-x;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 11px;vertical-align: top;text-align: center;padding:0;border: 0;margin:0;">Found at <a href="http://beemp3.com/download.php?file=4884995&song=No+Leaf+Clover">bee mp3 search engine</a></TD><TD WIDTH="16"><IMG style="padding:0;border:0;" SRC="http://beemp3.com/player/corner-bottomright2.gif"></TD></TR></table></div>
Quote by AJ:
Long Night of Solace and Exodus (maybe The Package dependin on how you go about doing it) are honestly the only difficult missions. they can really kick your ass tbh
Quote by Taco:
Quote by AJ:
Long Night of Solace and Exodus (maybe The Package dependin on how you go about doing it) are honestly the only difficult missions. they can really kick your ass tbh
Which ones are they, number wise?
Quote by Ellahjay88:
Everyone here seems to get along and I am glad to be a member!
I love meeting new people and I have yet to meet an asshole on here when boosting or talking on forums.
After playing a little Halo 3 it made me realize that


Quote by Ellahjay88:

Yea, but a weird family

And that's what I like about this place. Nobody's an asshole.
For instance, I have joined lots of other forums and it seems whenever I post, somebody shoots me down for (blank) reason and bla, bla, bla.
And I remember the first days I was on this site, AJ asked me about my gamerpicture. He wasn't an ass and it set my expectations.
Quote by Ryan:

Quote by Ellahjay88:

Yea, but a weird family

And that's what I like about this place. Nobody's an asshole.
For instance, I have joined lots of other forums and it seems whenever I post, somebody shoots me down for (blank) reason and bla, bla, bla.
And I remember the first days I was on this site, AJ asked me about my gamerpicture. He wasn't an ass and it set my expectations.

...are you sure it was AJ you talked to?
Quote by Meta:
...are you sure it was AJ you talked to?
You bastard...
Quote by Ellahjay88:
WHOA! YOU'RE A CHICK? Wanna do something sometime?

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