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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 12:46 pm | #10636
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Kat:
That's surprising they'd be that far north. But you know, where there's one there's 100...
Funny story, my friend had a spider bite that she claimed was worse after 5 days and she decided she was going to the emergency room, it must be a brown recluse. I was like "what?? Do you even know what they are? First off, they don't live near you, and second I think after 5 days, you'd be dead or have lost your arm." So she went to the dr anyway (woo medi-CAL for using taxpayers money for so much shit) and didn't talk to me for weeks.
Seriously, the Internet should be off limits for a certain type of person.
Anyway- sticky traps, AJ! Like 75 of them!!!
Not very surprising to me.....i use to live up in Washington state and would see them shits all the time.....Me & the wife moved out of our first apartment because there was an infestation of them lil fuckers
That's surprising too.
They aren't established west of the Rockies. You must have had some back luck and got an apartment that someone from the south lived in before, or they were one of the kinds of spiders mistaken for a br, like a wolf spider or hobo spider (also poisonous and frequently found in the pacific northwest)
Edit- ugh, it's gotta be time to get an exterminator to my house!! I'm getting all itchy.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 1:02 pm | #10637
I have 2 consoles - one of them is very quiet, but the other one is very loud and runs hot. Is there any easy way to quiet the second one?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 1:24 pm | #10638
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I have 2 consoles - one of them is very quiet, but the other one is very loud and runs hot. Is there any easy way to quiet the second one?
Don't use it.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 1:32 pm | #10639
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I have 2 consoles - one of them is very quiet, but the other one is very loud and runs hot. Is there any easy way to quiet the second one?
Don't use it.
Send it to Evol!!!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 1:58 pm | #10640
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I have 2 consoles - one of them is very quiet, but the other one is very loud and runs hot. Is there any easy way to quiet the second one?
It's most likely a combination of dust and the crappy thermal paste that MS used is dried out and failing. The sound is your fan amping up from 5v to 12v because your chips are hot and the thermostat tells the motherboard to kick the fans into overdrive. If it is running loud at all times, it's only a matter of time before it starts shutting off with two red rings and every 360 owner knows what comes after that.
There can be other causes, but none of them are feasible unless the console has been opened up.
If you want any more help, feel free to PM me!
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10641
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 3:09 pm | #10642
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I have 2 consoles - one of them is very quiet, but the other one is very loud and runs hot. Is there any easy way to quiet the second one?
It's most likely a combination of dust and the crappy thermal paste that MS used is dried out and failing. The sound is your fan amping up from 5v to 12v because your chips are hot and the thermostat tells the motherboard to kick the fans into overdrive. If it is running loud at all times, it's only a matter of time before it starts shutting off with two red rings and every 360 owner knows what comes after that.
There can be other causes, but none of them are feasible unless the console has been opened up.
If you want any more help, feel free to PM me!
The PM's for me is broken - I know Jackson's on the case.
As far as the red ring is concerned, though, this console has been to the repair shop 4 times - 3 for red ring and once for the disc drive.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 3:30 pm | #10643
I spent way too much money this weekend
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 4:33 pm | #10644
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by theEVOL1:
It's most likely a combination of dust and the crappy thermal paste that MS used is dried out and failing. The sound is your fan amping up from 5v to 12v because your chips are hot and the thermostat tells the motherboard to kick the fans into overdrive. If it is running loud at all times, it's only a matter of time before it starts shutting off with two red rings and every 360 owner knows what comes after that.
There can be other causes, but none of them are feasible unless the console has been opened up.
If you want any more help, feel free to PM me!
The PM's for me is broken - I know Jackson's on the case.
As far as the red ring is concerned, though, this console has been to the repair shop 4 times - 3 for red ring and once for the disc drive.
Was it sent to MS or to a local shop? If it was MS, they used the same crappy thermal paste but they should've upgraded the GPU heatsink. Although if it had to be sent back a few times, they may not have.
If it was sent to a shop, there's really no telling exactly what they did. Some shops do good work, but many do quick fixes. They could've severed the trace to the thermostat or jumped the 5v source out of the fan circuit. They may not have replaced the x-clamps properly, or bent them.
There's a delicate balance inside the 360 due to the poor design and many small things can throw it off causing improper cooling.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 5:56 pm | #10645
Michael Clarke Duncan has died. He's the guy from Green Mile, "Take my hands boss". Seems that he had a heart attack in July and died today after 2 months of treatment. RIP my friend.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 6:12 pm | #10646
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 6:32 pm | #10647
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 6:34 pm | #10648
This makes me sad. He was great in every movie I ever saw him in. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10649
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/03/12 8:19 pm | #10650
He was "Bear" in Armageddon. What a great character that was. RIP.
EVOL - The console was sent to somewhere in Texas, twice and once to Reno, NV. Local shops weren't available that I knew of at the time.
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