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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
09/16/11 9:49 pm | #6991
I never finished 8. I'm not sure if I didn't really get into it or what, but I loved the hell out of 7, in a non, cliche, bandwagony way. (I was little when I played it, so there was no way I could bandwagon!)
Re: Random Thoughts
09/16/11 10:00 pm | #6992
im all for the X remake. the 7 remake has like, 15 mins of footage with superb graphics of the first level. loved watching it, but was really bummed when i heard they decided to drop it. 8 on the other hand, would be tight. the story of 8 had me from start to finish and my only complaint was the junction system. it was hard. -.- ive also heard my friends wanting a 9 remake, but i could care less. 9 was pretty fun, but definitely not my fav.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/16/11 10:14 pm | #6993
Quote by Chaind Insanity:
im all for the X remake. the 7 remake has like, 15 mins of footage with superb graphics of the first level. loved watching it, but was really bummed when i heard they decided to drop it. 8 on the other hand, would be tight. the story of 8 had me from start to finish and my only complaint was the junction system. it was hard. -.- ive also heard my friends wanting a 9 remake, but i could care less. 9 was pretty fun, but definitely not my fav.
I didn't like 9 because I hated all the characters except Vivi. I loved every character in 8. I made sure to buy it on the PSN so I can play it on my PSP. I also bought 7, still tempted to buy 9 even though I didn't care for it.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/16/11 10:23 pm | #6994
Quote by Lou:
I'm recovering after getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. Luckily I was knocked out, but I'm still a little drowsy. The only good thing that came out of this are the pretty stars I keep seeing. Wheee!!!
I feel your pain, or at least I did about 10 years ago. I had all 4 of mine done at the same time as well. They compacted them, which is where they break them and pull them out. I was 17 and working at Wal-Mart at the time. They didn't let me have the day off, so I was drugged to beat shit and spitting blood in a cup for 8 hours in Electronics while helping people. It was great.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/16/11 11:03 pm | #6995
I cant believe that I fell asleep while playing Horde. Sorry everyone lol.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/17/11 12:32 am | #6996
so it looks like i am getting gears 3 tuesday....i'm taking back dead island for right now, i just cant get into it playing by myself...so...GEARS IT IS!!!!
Re: Random Thoughts
09/17/11 12:53 am | #6997
Why is all of Hollywood drinking the Ryan Gosling kool-aid? 
Seems like he's in every other movie that's coming out.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/17/11 12:57 am | #6998
If you want to install Rage on your 360 hard drive guess what? 22GB install. 8GB mandatory install for PS3.
Good thing I have plenty of room then.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/17/11 1:02 am | #6999
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
If you want to install Rage on your 360 hard drive guess what? 22GB install. 8GB mandatory install for PS3.
Good thing I have plenty of room then.
lol right, this justifies getting the Gears 3 console too 
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/17/11 1:19 am | #7000
Quote by Circus:
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
If you want to install Rage on your 360 hard drive guess what? 22GB install. 8GB mandatory install for PS3.
Good thing I have plenty of room then.
lol right, this justifies getting the Gears 3 console too
....fuck off
Re: Random Thoughts
09/17/11 1:29 am | #7001
kidd if you want the gears 3 console just ask the God of Assassins lol
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/17/11 1:43 am | #7002
Quote by iKidd:
Quote by Circus:
lol right, this justifies getting the Gears 3 console too
....fuck off
U mad, bro?

Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/17/11 1:48 am | #7003
Quote by Braz:
kidd if you want the gears 3 console just ask the God of Assassins lol
can i have the gears 3 console?
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/17/11 1:51 am | #7004
Quote by iKidd:
Quote by Braz:
kidd if you want the gears 3 console just ask the God of Assassins lol
can i have the gears 3 console?
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/17/11 1:59 am | #7005
Quote by iKidd:
Quote by Braz:
kidd if you want the gears 3 console just ask the God of Assassins lol
can i have the gears 3 console?
your addy and a few weeks to work when i get home friday and its urs
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